Chapter Nineteen - Something To Celebrate For?

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Merry Christmas all! ♥ Thank you ever so much for over 2.7K :) I'm entirely greatful ;) I'm also planning a Crimson Peak fanfic and another Tom Hiddleston one ;) Thank you so much for reading!


Astrid's POV

I didn't actually leave the car at that time.

For some reason, I lay back and closed my eyes.



I hadn't slept and maybe I thought, since I looked so down, I should rest my head.

Over that time, no one interrupted me.

I mean, I had a few car horns, but they weren't aimed at me personally.

All of a sudden, I heard a knock, my eyes darting open.

Turning my head, I saw Sam and Tom stood outside. Drenched.

I couldn't help but smile before I unlocked the car.

Tom helped Sam get in and he legged it round the other side, jumping in the front seat. He breathed heavily.

"Hey. Gosh it's that weather that never goes, isn't it Sam?" Sam nodded and Tom looked at me, myself frowning.

"Don't you... have a car?" Tom scrunched his lips together.

"Not... exactly. I was... delaying the inevitable." My frowned sank deeper. "I'll tell you later." I sighed, turning the engine on.

"Guessing you want a lift?"


"Mommy!" Sammy cried out, rubbing his hands together.

"What is it Sam?" He bit his bottom lip and placed both of his hands onto the sides of our seats, balancing himself.

"Can Hiddles come with us?"

"How do you mean?" Tom looked away.

"He did well didn't he Mommy? Can't he come over and we can... celebrate?" Sam and Christopher always loved a good party.

"Well..." I lifted one eyebrow and a smile made its way onto my lips. "Sure. Why not?" I looked back at Tom, giving him a small smile as we drove off.

Sam sat in the back quietly, waving his feet around and the silence was deafening and so, Tom had tried to talk to me.

I think he felt guilty.

"A-Astrid." I glanced at Tom, taking a turn.


"I don't think I can thank you enough." Smirking, I shook my head.

"You don't need keep saying it." I moved my head further to the right and I stopped at a red light. "I should be the one saying it, not you."

"You saved my job." Tom whispered.

"You saved me and my little boy." I whispered back, smiling and I faced him. "Yours is worth more. But I'll say this one last time." I moved closer towards him. "You're welcome."

"Thanks." Me and Tom chuckled.

"You said it again."

"I'm sorry!" He placed his hands into his face and both of us laughed louder, Sam now joining in.

Time passed and I pulled up outside the house.

I turned off the engine and sat in the car for a moment as Tom and Sammy stepped out of the car. Focusing on something in the distance, my door suddenly opened and I darted my head to the right.

Tom smiled and I placed my hand on my bump.

"Scared the... crap outta me Tom."

"Are you allright?" I nodded. "Are you sure? Do you... want to come inside?" I simpered, Tom holding out his hand.

"Seriously?" I say, shaking my head. "Is this your way to 'charm' me?"

"Nope. I'm just trying to out Sam's mind at rest." He smirked and I took his hand, jumping out of the car.

"Why? What's he said?" Tom dropped his head, his cheeks bulging out of his face. "What?"

"He... thinks we are..." Clearing his throat, we slowly walk up to the front door. I lock the car. "Well, 'good' friends." My jaw literally drops open and finally all three of us are stood at the door. I peered down at Sam, before looking back up to Tom.

Pushing the door lightly, I stepped inside with Tom and Sam and closed the door once we were inside.

"Sam, go upstairs and get changed honey." Sam stomped his way up the stairs and I made my way inside and slipped off my coat.

My eyes wandered over a photo of me and Christopher. I longed for his presence and bowed my head, holding my breath for a moment.

Holding back my tears.

I felt a light tap on my back and looked behind me.

Tom gave me a comforting smile and looked at the picture.

"Where was this?" Smiling, I stroked Christopher's face.

"Our honeymoon. Before we had Sam." Tom breathed out heavily and stroked my back.

"I'm sorry. I should go." I shook my head, swallowing.

I didn't want him to go. I didn't want to ruin his life by putting my own needs first.

"No, no. You, can... stay. Please." I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Besides, Sam wants you here and... he isn't the only one." Simpering, I nudged him lightly. "Stay." He grabbed hold of my hand tightly and I looked at it.

"I'll stay for you, and you only."

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