Chapter Eight - Flying Off The Road

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Tom's POV

The next morning, I opened my eyes and the smell of salty tears wafted up my nose.

They weren't mine. Astrid had sobbed and I couldn't get rid of her sadness from my own exterior.

Running my fingers through my hair, I glanced at the clock, the time luminous to me.


Considering, I was a bit late today.

It was lucky that a sip of vodka didn't find itself down my throat or I would have had the most horrible hangover.


The one thing that stuck in my mind, that I had pondered on, was Astrid.

Astrid being pregnant.

It explains her mood swings and how she had been feeling. Her hormones were all over the place causing them to be massively intensified.

As I pulled myself up from my mattress, I pressed the tip of my elbows onto my thighs and rubbed my hands down the face.

Today, I felt it would be a rather long day, since it was only my second day teaching at the new school.

So far, I enjoyed the company of young children. In fact, I adored it.

Yanking my body from the bed, I did the usual morning routine and I was finally ready. Before rushing out of the house, I set my eyes onto the clock.


Right. I had around an hour to ensure I had everything ready.

I rushed out of the house and slammed the door shut, immediately, rain poured down and I let out a sigh.

Damn it. Rain. Again.

Quickly unlocking my door, I reached my hand round and picked up my umbrella and coat. I slipped my grey coat on and opened up the umbrella.

My shoes splashed past a few puddles which had built up over those few minutes, and I dragged myself into the car.

I sped through a few lights, then paused upon a red one.

Red. Red. Red. God damn, it stayed red.

Red. Red.

Orange. Getting ready with my foot lifting off the break.

Green! I sped across the road and took a sharp right, speeding along until I reached the school.

Practically leaping out of the car, I put up the umbrella again and my eyes scrambled onto Astrid and Sam, also getting out of the car, with no shelter.

I dashed towards them, a few words escaping my mouth.

"Need some cover?" Astrid instantly looked at me and her hair was dripping wet. Sam grabbed hold of my hand and I chuckled. "Definitely a yes!" Astrid stepped under it and we all darted inside the school, Sammy running towards the classroom.

"Sammy, careful!" Astrid shouted after him. She simpered at me lightly and we casually walked to my classroom. "Sam is... well, still is, excited to come in today." I smiled.

"He's a good, keen kid." Astrid bit her bottom lip and still walked by my side, myself closing the umbrella.

I could notice that Astrid was dabbling and I knew she wanted to say something, so I eagerly waited.

"Tom... I... just wanted to say... thanks... for... yesterday." Brushing my coat, I smiled at her.

"It's no problem, Astrid... No one should face something like that on their own. Especially with a child, well, two children." She patted her hair and dropped her head, pulling her bag further up her shoulder.

Then, we suddenly halted.

"Listen, I..." Her voice cracked for a moment and she cleared her throat, drawing her away away from mine. "I'd... like it if... the... erm..." She subtly pointed at her stomach, "... is kept a secret..." I tensed my cheekbones and this time, I cleared my own throat.

"Y-yes, of course..." I scratched my head. "I wouldn't..." I tucked my hands into my imaginary butt trouser pockets. Nervous. That's what I was. "No... I would never tell..." Astrid chuckled. "What?"

"Sorry... I've... " She patted my shoulder. "... never seen a man fret over... a pregnant woman." Astrid smirked at me.


"It's fine. Sarah also brought me back my car." She said sharply. "I'm quickly going to say my... farewells. " Moving to my classroom, Astrid stepped into it, Sam running straight up to her.

"Mommy, Mommy!" He squealed and looked at me. "Mr Hiddles!" I saved him the lecture of names.

"Mr..." I paused, knowing if I said the next bit any louder, it wouldn't end well. "... Hiddles... is fine." Sam smiled cheekily and Astrid caught his attention.

"Sammy." She lowered her voice and I knew I shouldn't been eavesdropping, so I wandered over to my desk, putting my belongings down. The words I caught of were, "... eleven... bags... flying... break..." I put the two and two together and in my mind popped up...


A small break away? Was it that?

"Bye Sammy, see you soon..." She waved goodbye and my eyes followed Astrid's disappearing presence.

I clapped my hands together, blinking continuously.

"Right, good morning kids!"

"Morning Mister!" The children said in unison and I still found it slightly scary.

"Right... yes... let's... start..." I gulped, starting the day.


"... Now... simply why did the king's horses and king's men help Humpty Dumpty?" I carried on and a light knock found its way into my ear.

It was Astrid.

Before I allowed her to enter, I looked at the clock.


Not exactly eleven, but close.

I saved my hand at her and she peeked her head around the door.

"Sorry, can I borrow Sam?" She whispered and I nodded, Sammy at my feet.

"Bye Hiddles!" I patted his mop of hair.

"Bye Sam. See you soon." As he looked at me, I saw a small, small hint of sadness lurking in his eyes just like Astrid's.

He darted out of the classroom and I moved towards the window, waiting for Astrid and Sam to pass my view.

Finally, they did and Sam jumped into the car, Astrid fastening him on.

But then, for a split second, I swore that my eyes had seen a suitcase.

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