Chapter Thirty Two - Please Mister, Stay

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Tom's POV

I walk away from, probably, one of the saddest moments I've ever had.

After just a few months, I've turned my back on the best class and teachers which I'd met.

I take a glimpse at the school for one last and time and shed a small tear.

"Till the next time..." I whisper and open my car door, closing it.

Bowing my head, I knew I wouldn't see Astrid or Sam again.

I wouldn't see... London again.

A gut feeling had told me to stay, but I went against it.

I couldn't fix things now. There was no way.

Turning on my engine, I put on my sunglasses and eased off the handbrake.

"Time to fly."

Astrid's POV

"Come on Sammy." I arch my hands onto my back and sigh.

"Coming Mommy!" Hearing Sam close his door, I make my way to the front door and open it.

Sam rushed down the stairs with a big smile on his face.

One which I haven't seen since yesterday.

"You ready Sammy?" He nodded.

"We are always ready for the road Mommy!" Simpering, I shuffled his hair as we walked out and I locked the door.

Both me and Sammy had been on the road for around ten minutes now and we were very nearly at the school.

On the way, I noticed a man wearing sunglasses and with a similar car to Tom's. I couldn't get him off of my mind.

I couldn't stop thinking about him.

By the time we had stopped, Sam had automatically ran out of the car in excitement.

"Sammy wait!" I tried to swiftly ease myself out of the car, but it didn't work since my bump had just grew.

Unfastening my belt, I stepped out of the car and tried to follow Sam. However, at his speed and at my pace - it was impossible.

My heart was pounding once again, becasue I'd see him and finally have the chance to apologise. Properly. I was wrong to have rejected him yesterday.

"Sam..." But, it seems I was wrong.

I noticed Sam just... pondering outside of his door, with his head tilted.

"Hiddles?" He whispered.

I paced to his side, grabbing his hand.

I saw him.

Tom. His back to me.

He turned around when-

"You're not Tom..." I whispered to myself and felt Sam wrap his arms around my legs.

"Mommy, where's Hiddles?" Sammy muffled against my trousers and I was confused.

So confused.

Why wasn't he here?

The man had looked at me rather confused and I bowed my head, patting Sam's shoulders.

"S-sorry, wrong room..." Taking a step back I but my bottom lip and had no idea what was happening.

"Mrs Harrison!" Sam shouted and ran up to her.

"Oh hello Sammy! Ready for school?" I caught up with him and Sam questioned Mrs Harrison.

"Where's Hiddles?"

"Hiddles?" She looked around. "Oh, Mr Hiddleston."

"Y-yes. Where is he?" I asked, but Mrs Harrison frowned.

"He's gone." Suddenly, I felt a lump in my throat.

"Gone? Gone where?!" Sam shouted.

"He, went to the airport. Says he's got a job in New York, I'm sorry is this-" Sam immediately grabbed hold of my hand and dragged me away and to the car.

"Mommy, Mommy, can we get to him?" I looked up and took out my car keys.

"Come on Sammy, let's go get him."

Tom's POV

I had closed my car door and heaved out my suitcase, my sunglasses still on my face

It had hid emotion. Sadness, was one.

I took a deep breath before entering the airport.

For one, I was too nervous to walk up to the desk and get conformation for my ticket, so I instead pondered around in the shops.

I did still have a few hours till takeoff and at this time, the airport was empty.

I had purchased a cup of coffee and then sat down my right leg crossed over my left. Occasionally I sipped and my glasses were still on my face.

Placing the coffee by my side, I lay my head back and closed my eyes.


Damn, I could still hear Sam's voice in my head. "Hiddles!" There it was again, but much louder.

I'd miss him.

"Hiddles, Hiddles!" Wait, why does it feel as if- "I found him Mommy!"

"Omph!" I felt someone small wrap their arms around me and I took off my sunglasses.

It was Sam. My God yes.

"Hiddles!" He squeezed tighter and I picked him up in my arms, whizzing him around and he squealed.

"Sammy! Wait..." I turned my head to the right and saw Astrid, exausted. Gulping, I had put Sam down.

Astrid had paced to me and I thought it was all over.

"Astrid, I'm so-" She wrapped her arms around my neck and so, I wrapped my arms around her, cherishing her hug. "... sorry..."

Astrid cupped my face in her hands, her baby bump brishing my shirt.

I couldn't believe she was here.

"You weren't going to tell me you were leaving today?" She whispered and rubbed my cheek.

"I'm sorry, I-" She placed a finger on my lips and I widened my eyes.

"No... no Tom..." She shook her head and Sam stood beneath us. "I have one question... just one."

Astrid took a deep breath. "Please mister, stay."

I simpered and so did she.

"Anything for the one I love..." Grabbing hold of her face, I pulled Astrid in for a small, yet passionate kiss in which Sam giggled.

Once our lips departed, I chuckled, pulling Sam towards me and I shuffled his hair.

He looked up at me and spoke, "Are you ready for the road now Hiddles?" Smiling at Sam, I gazed at Astrid, rubbing her cheek with my thumb.

"I'm ready for the road and everything that comes with it."


The End


Please Mister ⌲Tom Hiddleston ✓Where stories live. Discover now