Chapter Thirty - Words

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Tom's POV

"Astrid... hey, hey..." I hushed her quietly. I wanted to stop her from crying.

I wanted her to be happy.

"Tom..." She whispered, clinging into my shirt and burying her head into my chest.

Astrid began to sob and sob.

"H-hey, hey..."

"He didn't tell me... I can't... I can't face it." She muffled into my shirt and sniffed.

"It's okay..." I ran my fingers through her hair. "I'm here." Astrid peered up at me. "I'll always be here. You know that." I simpered at her. "For you and Sam, I'll always be here." Astrid gave me a small smile, pulling herself away from me.

"No, no..." She moaned and I frowned, placing my hand onto her shoulder.

"I am, I'll always be here." I assured her, rubbing her back lightly.

"B-but... the job, you need the job." Shaking my head, I licked my lips.

"I'm not going until you're satisfied. Or..." I turned away, certain, but a meer sense of sadness, in my words. "I won't go at all..." Astrid looked at me, confused.

"What...?" She shook her head, coughing in recovery from her breakdown. "No, no, Tom, this... it's a good opportunity for you." I whizzed to face her, my hands cupping her face.

"I am willing... to sacrifice whatever to make sure you and Sam are okay." Astrid tugged her face away and stood to her her feet.

"I won't allow it." Her voice angered.

She was going through too much and her emotions were scrambled.

"Astrid, please, I want to-"

"No!" She held her head and scrunched her hair, her eyes watering. "No, no! Tom, you, you helped me..." Astrid took a deep breath. "I am satisfied." She said firmly.

"Astrid, please, I don't-"

"You helped me and I returned the f-favour. Now, we should..." Astrid took a deep breath and I orayed the next words wouldn't come out of her mouth. "... go our seperate ways." I dropped my eyes to the ground, Astrid brushing past me.

She couldn't, she didn't say that.

There was no way.

Leaping to my feet, I slipped through the door and noticed Astrid in the stairs.

"Sam! Come on! We need to go, get your things!"

"Astrid please, please, stay!" Astrid's face was now covered in tears as she walked past me, limping down the stairs.

She was pregnant and still suffering from a loss of her own husband.

I wanted to protect her, I really did.

"Sammy!" She cried again, Sam running down the stairs.

"Mommy, what's happening?" He asked, his thumb inside his mouth.

"We need to go, come on!" She yelled, Sam tightening his arms around my legs.

"What's wrong with Mommy?" I gulped and shook my head.

"I'm not so sure." I shuffled his hair. "Listen to her. Your Mom's going through a tough time right now."

"You're not going to fight for her Loki?"

"I don't know." Sam sighed.

"Loki always gets what he wants. Since when did he stop?" He pecked my lightly on my cheek, before jumping down the stairs.

Sam was right.

Since when did I stop fighting for the people I loved?


Astrid's POV

After I left Tom's, I was a complete mess.

My head was thumping and I couldn't believe what I had just been through.

I didn't mean it.

I didn't mean all of those words.

I didn't mean any of it.

I loved him and I just ruined it.

Sam stared at me for the whole car ride, my face covered in tears and my sniffling grew more frequent.

When I walked through the door, I didn't think to lock it and so Sam frowned at me.

He knew something was wrong, but I wouldn't worry him.

Instantly, I rushed to the kitchen, my hand on my baby bump and my heart raced. It thumped against my ribcage as hard as it could and it pained me.

I began to cough, my throat sore and so, I drank some water.

But within moments, I dropped the cup into the sink and bowed my head in sorrow.

My vision became less clear as the tears filled my eyes and began pouring out.

Suddenly, I felt a hand rub the lower half of my back and at that height, I knew it was Sam.

"Mommy?" He whispered and I slid onto the floor. "Mommy, are you okay?" Wiping my tears, I pulled Sam into arms and sobbed harder.

I even heard Sam sniffle.

"Sammy, you know I love you don't you?" He nodded.

"Yes Mommy, I do."

"And D-daddy, he did too." I stroke his hair.

"Yes Mommy." I cupped his face in my hands, both of us crying.

"Promise me, you will never lie to your Mommy okay?" Shuffling his hair, Sam nodded.

"I promise Mommy."

"I love you Sammy." My hands began to shiver and I rubbed my bump.

"I love you too Mommy, I'll always love you!" Both of us smiled, before wrapping our arms around each other again.

Tomorrow, I was going to solve what I wanted and what I didn't need...

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