Chapter Seventeen - Life-Changing Paper

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Special thank you to everyone who has gotten this far in my book! And also, thanks for over 2.1K :)


Astrid's POV

"So, I would like you all to remember our fire safety yesterday. If you all get into groups of three and get a piece of paper and a pen." Gosh, Tom looked so nervous.

Me and Mrs Harrison sat in these chairs that made us look like dwarfs and we didn't look at each other.

Okay, maybe we did after some time, but it was rare.

I did admire the way that Tom was teaching. It was very interesting and brave.

His teaching was unique and he always added an element of fun into it, which had a good response from Sam and the whole class.

"Go on scadadle!" Tom clapped his hands and the class suddenly broke into conversation.

Mrs Harrison got up beside me and made her way towards Tom.

I had a feeling this wasn't going to be good. The way Mrs Harrison had acted over the last hour was... observant. But, she hardly smiled.

Was that a bad sign?

Maybe I should assume bad things, Tom deserves all of his hard work for me and Sam, and the class, to come with a great reward.

I perked my ears up to try and bear what they were talking about, however, from what I could infer, it was definately a private conversation.

All I wanted to know is if Tom had secured his job.

As they talked, I dropped my hand and stared at my bump.

It was fairly small and I was exhausted. Sleep was not on my list.

Sam was afraid.

Afraid that people would question him and now, nightmares were a regular thing during the night.

For me, well, I kept on thinking.

That was the trouble, I just thought. My thoughts never rested, only grew in my mind.

"I'm off for a coffee Tom. Would you like one?" Lifting my head up, I slowly eased myself up.

"Yes please." Tom smiled slightly and Mrs Harrison made her way out.

As Mrs Harrison left, I made my way towards Tom, my arms folded.

"Well...?" I whispered and Tom rubbed his hands together.

"It's... okay."


"Yes... just... okay." Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair. I placed one hand on my back and one arm onto his shoulder.

To me, he looked like he had lost all hope and I wanted to take that thought away, just like he had done to me.

"I know it's going to be okay Tom..." I simpered for a moment, Tom smiled back at me.

"Thanks for this... Astrid..." I frowned.

"You don't need to thank me Tom." I carved a smile into my face, well, it was intentional. I was trying to be nice. He was a man who helped me in dark times, and now it was my turn to return a favour. "It's a pleasure."

"I just... really hope that Mrs Harrison likes me!" I leaned towards him.

"I'm sure she will Tom." I stood back for a moment. "You're a... bubbly, great, fun person. Who wouldn't admire a character like that?" Tom smiled and his cheeks burned red. Oh God, he was blushing. He so very easily blushed.

"Ahh!" He smacked his hands onto his face like a child, giggling. "No, I'm... blushing. You..." He growled and we both broke into laughter.

"You're welcome." I whispered.

"Right then Mr Hiddleston. I just need to borrow Ms Williams here..." Mrs Harrison looked at Tom, evidently waiting for a reply.

"Y-yes, of course." Tom simpered slightly, myself looking at Mrs Harrison.

"Would you mind me borrowing a small moment of your time?" I nodded, smiling.

"Yes. Course." Mrs Harrison turned around, making her way outside. I tapped Tom's shoulder before, following her.

"Right, I want to ask you... well, since you and Mr Hiddleston look so close." I lifted an eyebrow. So that's what people thought. Well. "How do you think he is as a teacher?" I cleared my throat, arching my hands onto my back.

"Well... he is one of the... kindest men I've ever met. And, my Sammy, he adores him." Mrs Harrison nodded in response, thinking.

"And how do you, personally, find his teaching?"

"I think it's unique and definitely something to keep. His teaching style is something you should never let go." Mrs Harrison closed her clipboard and smiled.

"Thank you for the feedback." I bowed my head. She then made her way into Tom's classroom and I peered my head around the door, observing. "Mr Hiddleston?" He turned around, nervous as ever.

"Ye... s..."

"I've had a good look at your lesson. And I believe..." She paused and now me and Tom would find out if I was right and he was wrong.

And if he had secured his job...

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