Chapter 12: Double Date

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The next Monday rolled around. Naturally, Yang came up with another cliché stunt. "Qrow is working late again this evening. How about you take Weiss on a romantic date at the cafe?"


"What? It was just a suggestion. See you a few hours after school ends," she added with a wink.

Ruby nervously flipped her new ballpoint pen in her hand on the way to her locker. Maybe I should invite the whole crew instead. That'd be a lot less awkward. I could see if Penny wants to hang. She hasn't actually met Weiss yet. Plus, it's not like I have a choice now. Yang refused to pick me up earlier.

"Penny," Ruby called.

A quirky ginger turned around at hearing her name. "Oh, Ruby! How is everything?"

"Fine," Ruby replied hesitantly.

"You sound like something is on your mind," Penny said with a small frown. "What is it?"

"You know me too well," Ruby chuckled. "Yang is gonna be out for a while after school, so I was gonna invite a couple friends to chill at the cafe. Would you wanna come?"

"Of course!" Penny chirped. "I'll just have to ask my father if I can stay late."

Ruby sighed gratefully. "Awesome."


Ok, Ruby. This is it. Now or never. Oh my gosh, never, never! Ruby's heart leaped into her throat at the sight of Weiss.

She was wearing a gorgeous white blouse and navy blue jean shorts that reached halfway down her thighs, complete with a pair of caramel colored sandals.

"Ruby, are you drooling?" Pyrrha asked from beside her. Ruby jumped. "Uh? Oh sorry, I'm just really hungry," she lied and quickly took a bite out of her sandwich.

The heiress slid in next to Coco. "Hey there, friends. And Ruby," she added.

"Ice Queen," the little brunette muttered back. The pen in her hand went back to spinning chaotically beneath the table.

Weiss shrugged her off. "So Velvet, we have an essay due on Friday, right? I can't believe we have an essay on the second week of school!"

"Well, it is AP. We're the only freshmen in the class," Velvet responded.

Wow, Weiss is even smarter than I gave her credit for, Ruby mused.

"It's still unfair," Weiss persisted. "They honestly assign essays and projects like we have nothing better to do than to sit at a desk and work all day."

Coco laughed. "Tell me about it."

Pyrrha remained silent.

The conversation continued as such for a few more minutes. All the while, Ruby say fidgeting with her pen. She still wanted to invite Weiss for a coffee after school, but she didn't know when or how to ask. Pyrrha noticed her nervousness and inquired at a volume below Weiss' bickering, "Ruby, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," the brunette answered. She and Pyrrha locked eyes, and the redhead knew there was something bothering her. "You can tell me anything," she said softly. Ruby hesitated before discreetly whispering in her ear.

Pyrrha laughed. "You've got yourself worked up over nothing. She loves socializing more than she lets in on. How about you bring it up in just a moment?"

Just a moment passed. When the talking died down, Ruby made her move. "Weiss?"

There were a couple seconds of silence.

"Yes, Ruby?"

"Do you have any plans after school?"

Weiss scrutinized her as if she were tricking her into ingesting a poisoned drink. "I don't think so. have something in mind?"

"Well, a friend of mine and I-and Pyrrha-are gonna be at the cafe for a while, aaand I was wondering if you'd wanna come and just kinda hang out.  Coco and Velvet, you guys have cheer practice today, right?" Coco nodded cooly.

Weiss raised an eyebrow in Ruby's direction. There was that icy feeling again. Pyrrha smiled at the heiress in approval.

"Fine," Weiss responded, "but only because I have nothing better to do today."

"There's always homework," Coco teased, and all but Weiss erupted into laughter.


Penny and Ruby walked to the cafe together and waited ten painfully long min before the other two arrived. All the while, Ruby caught her friend up on the situation with Weiss. "She goes to Beacon?" Penny exclaimed. "I am not surprised, but how come you never told me earlier?"

"Well," Ruby fumbled, "you've been really busy with robotics club and I never thought to bring it up." In reality, she just felt nervous talking about the heiress, as if she would immediately be suspected of the opinion she kept trying to push out of her head.

The two other girls finally arrived. Weiss called it "fashionably late" while Pyrrha apologized for keeping them waiting.

While waiting in line for coffee and scones, Ruby introduced Penny to her new friends. Penny took immediate interest in the heiress. "So you are the Weiss Schnee I heard about. Ruby is-"

"-gonna get a caramel mocha!" the little girl in red butted in. She gave her best friend a look that told her to hush.

Penny immediately changed the topic. "I like hot chocolate." Weiss gave them a confused look before ordering a vanilla latte. Pyrrha copied Penny and got hot cocoa.

"That'll be three dollars and fifty seven cents," the cashier mumbled to Ruby. She pulled out her wallet. Or tried to, at least. Of all the things she had to leave at home, again, it had to be her wallet. Ruby sighed in frustration. "Uh... Anyone have three dollars and fifty seven cents to lend me?"

"Are you serious?" A pale hand shoved a five dollar bill into Ruby's palms.

"Thanks..." the little brunette barely whispered as she gazed into Weiss' eyes and blindly handed over the five to the cashier. He took it and put it in the register without a slight alteration in his expression. "Here's your change," he droned.

"Are you going to move?" Penny asked with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand. Ruby and Weiss realized they'd been staring at each other for a full minute. "Don't forget to pay me back at the soonest possible opportunity," the heiress finally responded.

Penny and Pyrrha found that they have a lot in common and became friends right away. And despite her reputation as a first class bitch, Weiss actually seemed to loosen up, especially seeing as how she gave Ruby a scrutinizing look every time she opened her mouth. Perhaps that was because every time it did, another scone disappeared.

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