Chapter 22: Crash Course

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Weiss unfolded a gymnastics mat on the ground in a secluded corner of the backyard, where they wouldn't be caught by security cameras. "Now, Ruby, don't forget that this is a training session. You are to take this seriously and give me your full attention. Understood?"

"Hm?" The predictable brunette was already distracted by a monarch butterfly fluttering over her head. She looked down a moment after Weiss stopped talking. "Oh! Right. Of course!"

The heiress face-palmed. "Let's just get started. Put on your helmet."

As Ruby picked up her chicken-wire trap and struggled to fit it over her head, Weiss tugged nervously at her gloves. She had a weird feeling in her gut that wouldn't go away, and she was afraid that it was going to disrupt her focus. What would she do if she messed something up in front of Ruby? She took a deep breath and decided to deal with things as they came.

"Alright." Ruby stepped onto the mat, her uniform nice and snug. "I'm ready!"

The heiress felt the need to take another deep breath, a sudden rush of panic coming over her. Only now did it occur to her that she'd be teaching, not just practicing. She hadn't taught a single lesson in anything her entire life! Well, how hard could it be? she told herself, trying to push the panic to the back of her brain.

"So first, we, uh..." Weiss wished she were wearing her helmet to hide the blush that was creeping up on her face. Sometimes, she hated having paler skin than Snow White. "Let's get a look at your starting posture," she decided. It sounded like a good place to start.

Ruby stared at her for a moment before realizing that was her cue to get into position. Weiss facepalmed at the delayed reaction. There was a shifting leather sound as the brunette slid one foot back and put up her sword arm. Walking slowly around her, the heiress inspected her posture with a careful eye.

"Hmm... Sloppy." With an elegant sweep of her foot, she caught Ruby off balance and almost sent her tumbling to the ground. "You're about to fence, not turn into a statue. Don't be so stiff."

"Sorry," Ruby mumbled, a bit shaken by the trip. "I'm not usually like that." She was telling the truth. If Weiss thought she was nervous, her apprentice certainly took the cake. Ruby was sweating bullets behind her mask.

"Whatever." Weiss brushed her off. "Just stay put." She placed her hands on Ruby, guiding her to a looser posture.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Ruby tried not to freak out over the fact that Weiss was touching her. It was hard when the heiress' fair face was mere inches away from hers. She felt her heartbeat accelerate at a ridiculous pace.

Luckily for her, her coach couldn't have cared less about the condition of her student. Weiss was preoccupied by the lesson she had planned the night before. She envisioned it as just a match, as she was used to it, but she realized that now wasn't a good time to reveal her tactics. Ruby needed to figure things out for herself.

"I thought you were already a protégée," Weiss muttered under her breath. "Raise your arm higher. You're aiming for the torso, not the knees."

Ruby did as she was told.

"Better. Now, how about you show me your thrust?" Weiss instructed as she stepped away.

Ruby rolled out her shoulders a couple times before pulling back and lunging forward, her sword arm extended.

"Not bad." Weiss was smirking. "How about a PARRY?!"

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