Chapter 63: Opposites Attract

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AN: Hello, loves! I hope you're happy that I'm whipping myself back into shape. Quite literally, in some ways XD

I've been doing nothing but playing Breath of the Wild since the day I got it, in early June. I already beat the game (for the most part) and I'm going for round two in the hopes of accomplishing the (seemingly impossible) 100% completion. Though you guys probably don't care about that nearly as much as this story... I could just talk about Zelda all day!

Anywho, this time I just wanted to ask whether I should take down my "update" parts in this book since they're kind of like chapters that aren't chapters and it bugs me that this is technically chapter 71 even though it's only 63, etc. etc. but if for some reason y'all think I should leave them, do let me know. Otherwise I'll be taking them down next week. That's all from me! Enjoy some more plot development :) ((wait, there's a plot???))

"Basically, Winter has been in kahoots with Qrow behind the scenes," Yang explained.

"Uncle Qrow is like a super cop!" Ruby explained when Weiss looked confused. "He works for the government... I think. He doesn't tell me a whole lot about it, but I know that we have a gun cabinet that's always locked even though Yang doesn't know how to use a gun and I don't-"

Weiss parted from Winter and held up her hands. "Okay, Ruby. So why wasn't I told this before?"

"It was for your own protection," Winter replied. "The less people who know about my whereabouts, the better--especially when it comes to family. It's a dangerous job with dangerous people involved. Unfortunately, the only reason I stand before you now is coincidence. Qrow was lucky I happened to be stationed nearby," she muttered to herself.

"What is this 'coincidence', exactly?" Weiss asked.

The older Schnee sighed, as if reluctant to answer the question. "It's about Father. Rumors have been stirring, especially after a certain Faunus exposed herself within the estate."

"You know about Blake?" Weiss inquired, clearly more interested in her than her own flesh and blood.

"Only as much as Qrow could tell me in a short moment," Winter clarified. "As it stands, the primary concern is to ensure Father's safety. It's easily possible that your Faunus guardian has been forgotten in the confusion. I suppose that could be an advantage..." she trailed off for a minute. "Both she and Qrow are currently headed towards the estate to provide backup, much to Father's unawareness. My job is to make sure you remain safe, both as my sister and heiress to the company." The last words left her mouth bitterly.

Weiss looked both confused and a bit scared. "Why is Blake with him?"

"She has her own role to play in this," was Winter's only response.

"Great. More secrets to keep from the only vulnerable one in the room," the weary heiress groaned. She turned to Ruby. "Come to think of it, I'm impressed that you were able to keep your lips sealed about all this."

Ruby blushed at Weiss' insult/compliment hybrid. "I try... Sometimes."

"So you say," Weiss teased.

Winter seated herself in one of the vacant chairs lined along the wall. "Since when did Weiss smile like that?" she asked in a teasing tone, but obviously meaning it.

"I, uh..." The heiress' pale face turned a mild shade of crimson. Yang snorted, watching Winter eye her younger sister with such scrutiny that it made Weiss blush even more.

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