Chapter 27: Take Care

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"Hello, Ruby. How is everything?" a cheerful Pyrrha asked at lunch two days later.

"Fine," Ruby muttered for what felt like the umpteenth time. All of a sudden, people were questioning her well-being, as if she didn't know how to take care of herself. She could hear that mentality in Pyrrha's tone, benevolent as she was.

"Are you sure?" Pyrrha looked doubtful. "You always have something to say about what's happening around you. Has something happened? I... I don't mean to pry," she added honestly.

Ruby looked up from her tray and smiled weakly. "It's alright, Pyrrha. Nothing happened. I'm just fine, maybe a bit tired. Thanks for asking, though."

The redhead smiled back and nodded. "By the way, do you know where Weiss has gone?"

"I think she went to the library to do research for our English project," Ruby replied.

"Then, why aren't you with her?" Pyrrha inquired. "You know, you shouldn't feel obligated to sit with us every day. School comes first."

"Of course," Ruby agreed. "But Weiss told me I was in charge of the design and that I should just leave the reading and writing to her. Plus, I'd rather sit with you guys. It makes me feel... loved."

Everyone at the table let out a synchronized, "Aww!" Ruby blushed and shrugged bashfully, earning a stifled squeal from Nora, her competition in cuteness.

Pyrrha spoke again when everyone settled down. "That's typical of Weiss. Even when forced into collaboration, she always finds a way to stay independent."

"Yeah," Ruby chuckled. "I tried arguing with her, but she's pretty persuasive."

"Persuasive, you say?" Coco sidled up to Pyrrha. "Couldn't help but eavesdrop on your side conversation over here. I never found Weiss to be persuasive, only stubborn. It's honestly that crush of yours that has you wrapped around her little finger."

"C-crush?!" Ruby squeaked. "What makes you think that?!"

Coco tapped her chin. "Oh, I dunno, maybe it's the way you stare passionately at her whenever she isn't looking, or that you follow her around like a lost puppy, or that you still take that silly pen around with you wherever you go." The rest at the table nodded in agreement, save Pyrrha.

Ruby's face turned a darker shade of red at each word. "That's your imagination!" the beet-faced girl exclaimed, discreetly shoving Weiss' old pen in her pocket. Jaune, who was sitting next to Ruby, couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction.

"Plus, I think she's only my friend out of pity," Ruby grumbled. "It's not like she even needs friends. She has Blake to keep her company 24/7, and all she wants to do is study, anyways."

"Where's that coming from?" Nora piped up. "She's the one who swallows her pride and hangs out with you. Plus, I'm not sure if she even knows what pity is," she added with a giggle.

Ruby laughed bitterly. "She doesn't need to understand it to feel it, but maybe I'm just entertainment for her. Who needs TV when you have live comedy?"

Shocked by Ruby's toxic words, everyone at the table went silent. Barely a word crossed between the small group for the rest of lunch, and not a sound came from Ruby.


"Hi, Ruby," Weiss chimed, sitting next to her new English partner. Class was about to begin.

"Hey," Ruby replied, staring at the whiteboard.

"I'm to your left," Weiss snapped.

"I know." Ruby still wouldn't look at her.

The heiress growled under her breath and went back to organizing her desk. How dare she ignore me! Weiss complained to herself and pulled her binder out of her backpack. When she opened it up, the date on her homework made her pause.

Come to think of it, she's become progressively worse since the week started. It isn't like her to be this mopey for longer than thirty seconds, let alone a week.

Weiss looked over at her friend, who was obviously struggling to keep her eyes open.

She looks so sleep-deprived. Maybe I should talk to her about it. That's what friends do, right? Weiss was about to open her mouth when she noticed something sticking out of Ruby's pocket. That pen looks familiar... Oh, right! It's the brand my father always buys when I ask for school supplies. For all the money we have, he sure doesn't care to branch out...

The bell rang, signaling for class to start. Everyone quieted and took their seats.

"Good afternoon, class," the English teacher began. "Today's study hall, so you all have time to work on the project I assigned at the beginning of the week. Remember, study hall means no talking..."

Weiss tuned out, still thinking about those pens. Perhaps it was time she showed some independence and bought her own writing utensils.

That's it! Weiss snapped her fingers, causing everyone in the silent room (with the exception of a certain dozing individual) to look at her. She smiled sheepishly and ducked her head. It's time we visited the supply store. Ruby and I do need materials for our project.

Weiss smiled at the thought of Ruby's sparkling, silver eyes amongst shelves of glitter pens. She needs the excitement. This is the perfect opportunity to get her alone too, since we'll have privacy if she needs to get something personal off her chest. I'll ask her after class.

Oddly, Weiss didn't spend the rest of the period wrapped up in productivity. Her brilliant plan had her distracted, and no one was going to bring her back to reality. Ruby, however, woke with a start halfway through class and sketched a poster outline on a spare sheet of paper. She had to maintain her GPA if it meant staying on the fencing team.

When class finally ended, Weiss broke from her reverie and turned to Ruby. "So, Ruby, I was wondering if you wanted to-"

"Can't, sorry. Practice." The brunette picked up her backpack and walked out of the room with a zombie-like gait. Weiss was left sitting there with her mouth wide open in shock. That was the first time Ruby had ever rejected (or even received) an invite from Weiss, and she didn't even get to finish her sentence.


That night, Weiss was about to go to sleep when she realized that she'd seen just a corner of white tape on the pen sticking out of Ruby's pocket. Could it be that...? No. Ruby was way too forgetful to possess the insignificant pen Weiss had given her months ago, when they first met. Perhaps it was her imagination.

She glanced over at her phone, but she hesitated before picking it up and opening her messages. Flashing brightly in her face was the message she had sent moments ago: "You never let me finish. I was going to say that we need art supplies for the project, and you're coming with me, like it or not."

AN: wuzzup my good peeps? I posted early since I'm already done! This chapter long enough for ya? I decided to spice things up a bit since the story was going a bit too smoothly for my preference. But don't worry, nobody's gonna die or anything :P See y'all next week!

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