Chapter 24: Girls' Day Out

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Ten minutes.

Ten minutes stood in between Ruby and what Yang insisted was her first date. Her big sister made a huge fuss over the ordeal, as usual, and had Ruby wear the best dress she could find in the closet. She had to admit that she liked it, but she still had no idea where Weiss was taking her. It would probably be fancy and sophisticated, so maybe the dress was a good idea.

Ruby thought about it for a moment, imagining Weiss' reaction to the flashy outfit. She would probably laugh and take her for ice cream, simply to annoy her. Her cheeks burning at the thought of such humiliation, Ruby changed out of her dress and into something more casual at the last minute.

As she pulled her favorite red sweatshirt over her head, the doorbell rang. It was a race to beat Yang out the door before she could see that Ruby had gone against her word.

And a race, it was. Ruby darted for the door at full speed, hearing heavy footsteps from the kitchen. "Coming!" Yang shouted from down the hall, eager to greet Ruby's "date".

"Ruby?" Weiss said as the front door flung open. "What are you-"

The heiress was promptly nudged to the side, making room for the brunette to stand on the welcome mat. "Bye Yang, see you later!" Ruby called before practically slamming the door shut. She leaned against the door, breathing heavily.

"What was that about?" Weiss asked.

"Nothing," Ruby huffed. "Nothing at all. Just really excited to see what you have planned! ...Is that a twenty-seat limo?"

"More like fifteen," Weiss admitted, the bridge of her nose turning a light shade of pink. "It was all I could get on such short notice."

"Aaaaaawesome!" Ruby hopped in excitement. "I've never been in a limo before!"

"Of co--" Weiss almost choked. "Wait, really? Not once?"

Ruby shook her head. "Nope. Wow, this was a really good idea! Now, we can tour the city in style."

Weiss face-palmed. "This is just our transportation, you dolt."

"Oh... Well, what're we waiting for?" Ruby exclaimed, running to the long, white car. Weiss rolled her eyes and followed at a brisk walk.

The brunette was about to touch the door when she cringed. "Am I...supposed to use a handkerchief to open the door or something? It's so shiny..." She looked back at her bug-eyed reflection in the golden handle.

Weiss laughed. "I'm not that nit-picky." Gesturing Ruby to the side, she opened the door herself. Inside was a small room lined with chairs covered in clean, black leather. The carpet looked so soft that Ruby could sleep on it. She might have, given the appropriate circumstances.

"Pick a seat," Weiss said, allowing her friend to enter first.

"Why thank you, ma'am," Ruby replied with a pretend curtsy and stepped into the limo before she could see Weiss' approving smirk.

Once they were inside and Ruby was seated, Weiss tapped on the tinted glass window that lead to the front seat. It slid open, revealing the driver's sophisticated, yet ordinary-looking face.

"We're headed to point C now," the heiress announced. The driver nodded and closed the window without a word.

She turned back around. "You--Ruby Rose!"

The mischievous young girl had already found the drink cooler and was about to pour her soda can into a wine glass. "Eh?"

"I leave you for two seconds..." Weiss sighed and snatched the glass out of her hand. "This is for wine, Ruby."

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