Chapter 23: Co-Dependence

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Weiss sat impatiently at her desk, never taking her eyes off of her phone. Two weeks had passed since her first training session with Ruby, and Weiss had underestimated her pupil's aptitude. Every word she spoke, every step she took, and every trick she taught seemed to be absorbed by the little brunette. Hopefully, the few things Weiss had taught her in such a short amount of time was enough to get her on the fencing team.

Either way, she'd find out soon. Ruby was at try-outs at that very moment, most likely making an impression of mixed feelings. That's how Weiss felt when she met Ruby, after all. She still couldn't figure out how the younger girl won her over. Their friendship had developed from mere tolerance to a sort of dependence.

Without Ruby at her side, Weiss felt directionless and vulnerable. Ruby was the only one the heiress could turn to, and there was nothing else Weiss had to invest her time and energy into. It was a pathetic sort of dependence, and as much as Weiss hated herself for her weakness, she couldn't help herself. Plus, her friend always seemed to have so much fun around her. Ruby's smile was a reward in itself.

As Weiss stared at her clock, lost in thought, a loud buzz jolted her back to reality. Her cell phone lit up, and a familiar notification was on the screen.

"New message from: Ruby Rose"

All of Weiss' anxiety came rushing back as she unlocked her phone. What would Ruby say? What if she didn't make it? That poor, innocent girl would be crushed, and all of their hard work would have gone to waste. But there was a feeling in the heiress' gut that there was no way the fencing team could resist such an incredible athlete.

Ruby: "Just finished try outs"

Weiss groaned. Of course that was how she'd begin to break the news. Ruby had a tendency to leave Weiss to ask about anything personal, for reasons unknown to the white-haired girl. Perhaps it was to prevent smothering her with walls of text that Weiss didn't even care to read. It was a good reason, too. Only recently did Weiss begin to take interest in her friend, and it was mostly thanks to being her fencing mentor.

Weiss: "How did it go?"

Ruby: "There wasn't a whole lot of competition"

Weiss: "So, does that mean you made it?"

Ruby: "Yup"

Weiss sat back in her chair, all of the excitement suddenly draining away. Ruby didn't seem as happy about making the team as Weiss imagined. Then again, it was difficult to interpret someone's tone through a text. It still worried her.

Weiss: "Of course you did!"

She put on a fake grin, even though no one was around to see.

Weiss: "You had the best mentor in the whole country. Although, I suppose your talent may have contributed a sliver."

The heiress could imagine Ruby's bubbly laugh. She ached to hear it again, even though they hadn't even been apart for 24 hours. Her desire for companionship was growing at an exponential rate.

Ruby: "Of course Weiss. I couldn't have done it without ur help!"

Ruby: "We should celebrate"

Weiss swallowed the lump that suddenly appeared in her throat.

Weiss: "With what?"

Ruby: "Hmm..."

Weiss: "That doesn't answer my question."

Ruby: "U prolly wouldn't like my idea"

Weiss: "Try me."

Ruby: "Ice cream?"

Weiss: "Ruby Rose, you have trained your ass off for the past two weeks, and that's all you can think of?"

Weiss had a smirk on her face. Her best friend deserved more of a reward than that, and she'd get it.

Ruby: "What?"

She obviously thought that ice cream was the best idea in the world.

Weiss: "Make sure you don't have any plans tomorrow."

Weiss closed her messages and got to work doing something only she had the power and money to do.


"Sis, I can't believe you made it!"

The moment Ruby left the gym, she was attacked by a wild bear hug from Yang.

"How did you know?" Ruby asked, muffled against her sister's shoulder.

Yang pulled back. "I could tell by that failed attempt at a poker face. You're smiles all over." She proceeded to tickle Ruby's sides, resulting in a squeak and a giggle.

"Weiss' training really paid off," Ruby said once she caught her breath. "I probably wouldn't have made it without her help."

"Yeah, I guess she deserves more credit than I wanna give," Yang agreed. "Watching you in the try-outs was really a sight to behold. It's like there's a whole new side of you out there!"

Ruby blushed. She didn't want to admit that she stole several techniques from the heiress simply by watching, nor that she actually pretended to be her. A champion fencer, standing on the mat that would further lead her to glory... That's how she must have felt when she fenced. In Ruby's star-struck mind, Weiss Schnee was invincible.

"I told her that I made it, and she told me to make sure I didn't have any plans tomorrow," Ruby added nonchalantly. In reality, that was the main reason she was grinning from ear to ear.

Yang wiggled her eyebrows. "Sounds like someone's got a date."

"W-what? I didn't say it was a date!" the little brunette exclaimed, shoving her sister away.

"Oh, it so is!" Yang squealed. "My little sis is growing up so fast."

"For the last time, Yang, Weiss and I aren't a thing!" Ruby's face was beet red.

"But you want to be," the knowing blond argued. "Why not take a chance?"

"'Cause I'd mess it up," Ruby mumbled. "And I don't wanna ruin our friendship."

"Puh-lease," Yang snorted. "Who wouldn't wanna date someone as nice, athletic, smart, and pretty as you?"

"That's not how it works, and you know it," Ruby replied.

Yang shrugged. "That's how Weiss seems to work."

"Ugh!" Ruby threw up her hands in frustration and walked to the bike.

"What did I say?" Yang asked herself innocently. She followed Ruby to the bike. "That was a joke," she insisted.

All she got from Ruby was incomprehensible grumbling. As her older sister, Yang knew when to call it quits and shoved on her helmet. There was always time to talk at home.

AN: sorry this chapter was kinda short! It just sorta turned out that way. Anywho, thanks for reading as always and show this chapter some love! (We got 9 left to go.) I have a feeling that what Weiss has in store for Ruby will knock your socks off, but you'll have to wait until next week. Hue

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