Chapter 52: A Dream

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AN: I recommend watching the video after you read the chapter. You're in for a laugh!

"It's done," Blake reported upon her return. "He didn't sound very pleased, but it's out of his control." As if to prove her point, a tree branch loudly bounced off the window outside.

Weiss nearly jumped out of her skin, but before anyone could react, she shoved past Blake and stormed out of the room. "What a night for a storm," the keen-eared Faunus heard her complain.

"I don't think I've ever seen her distraught and excited at the same time," Blake observed as the heiress trudged down the hall.

"Uh, she didn't seem very excited to me," Ruby disagreed.

"Yeah, you sure about that?" Yang asked doubtfully. "You've known Weiss the longest, but I have to agree with my little sis on this one."

"There's one thing neither of you seen her get excited about that I have," Blake assured her.

Ruby cocked her head. "What?"

"You" Blake booped the little brunette's nose, causing her to remain silent in shock.

"Now then, won't you show me to your room so we can set up?" the cat Faunus purred, gazing into the affectionate blonde's violet eyes.

"Of course, my kitten," Yang replied sweetly. They left together, hand-in-hand.

"Blech," Ruby stuck out her tongue after them. She wasn't one to talk, but she couldn't resist the impulse to tease her older sister.

She sighed and sat on the edge of the kitchen table, unsure of whether to believe Blake. It was true: she had no clue how Weiss acted when she wasn't around, for obvious reasons. Her icy friend held a constant facade, but what was she trying so hard to hide? Ruby proved to be trustworthy time and time again.

Perhaps tonight was the night to puncture Weiss' defenses. Whatever she hid was a huge weight on her shoulders, and as her friend, it was Ruby's job to relieve her of it.

She hopped off the table and went to look for the girl who wandered off moments before.


Weiss splashed her face with cold water a third time, hoping it would make her feel better, but it couldn't quench her burning anxiety. She turned off the faucet and dried her face. At least Ruby hadn't come looking for her yet. She really needed a moment alone.

Weiss had never been away from home in bad weather, and she cursed fate for keeping her at Ruby's house. The one thing she couldn't slap a mask over loomed above her conscience, making her feel like a child again. Looking in the mirror reminded her that she was almost a grown-up, but her fearful quivering was more noticeable.

Weiss dropped to her knees with her elbows on the counter, gripping her head with her hands. Maybe she could just camp out in the bathroom all night.


Shit. She's coming.

The panicked heiress scrambled to her feet and combed out the mess she'd just made of her hair. Ruby found her just as she straightened out.

"You alright?" Ruby asked, her eyebrows creased with concern.

"Just fine!" Weiss chimed a bit too enthusiastically.

"Okay," the worried brunette responded, doubly suspicious of her friend's integrity. "Yang is getting out the mattresses right now. We can set yours up in my room, o-or you can sleep in the living room. The couch is pretty comfy," she added, scuffing her foot on the floor.

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