Chapter 20: Eyes and Ears

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Ruby couldn't believe her ears. Well, she could. Winter looked strikingly similar to her younger sister, but it was still surprising.

Both Winter and Qrow gave the young brunette a weird look in response to her reply.

"Sorry," Ruby apologized quickly. "Nice to meet you too."

Glancing back at Qrow, Winter stepped into the hallway. "Qrow, I presume you'll be showing me the guest bedroom?"

"Of course!" Ruby's uncle didn't hesitate to lead the way. "I'll explain everything later, squirt. Let Yang know we have a guest, would ya?"

"Sure..." Ruby watched them go, still in shock. After a few seconds of staring off into space, she remembered to inform Yang and made her way to the garage.

"Hey, sis!" she yelled.

"I'm right here." The blond was laying on a gym mat, her legs crossed and arms behind her head. She was drenched in sweat.

"We have a... guest," Ruby told her.

"Oh yeah! I forgot Qrow said there was gonna be someone staying over for winter break 'cause she had work here temporarily. So, did ya meet her? Is she cute?" Yang added with a wink.

The brunette looked at the floor. "Well, I guess you could say that... She's kind of Weiss' older sister."

"You're shitting me."

"I'll let that one pass... And no, I'm not joking."

Yang sprung up and looked down at her wet clothes. "Well... This is kind of a bad time to make a first impression. Man, I gotta shower first!" She flew past Ruby on her way to the bathroom. Ruby chuckled at her sister's predictable behavior. She was such a flirt, and combined with being a nosy big sister, poor Winter was going to have it tough for a couple of weeks.

Lo and behold, she did.


"For the last time, the fork is used as an eating utensil!" Winter practically screamed at Yang from across the dinner table. The mischievous blond was pretending to pick her nose using her fork for the sole purpose of annoying the elegant, pristine Schnee. "I can't believe I spent these past two weeks with the likes of you!"

When Yang quickly figured out that she'd never get on the fiery woman's nice side, she figured she'd make the most out of being irritating and made it her mission to "entertain" their guest 24/7. It was funny at first because Yang suspected Winter of having an affair with Qrow, but the way the two butted heads each time they exchanged glances proved otherwise. And that made a very foolish Yang think that she stood a chance. Each time she pulled a ridiculous stunt to either impress or annoy the older Schnee, Ruby wanted to crawl into the deepest, darkest hole and never resurface.

During their time together, Winter and Ruby learned a lot about each other. Although Weiss claimed that she had disappeared, she was actually recruited into secret government forces and kept it a secret from her younger sister in order to protect her. She never explained exactly what her mission was in Vale, but Ruby figured it was top secret, especially since most of her ventures happened during the night. She traveled all around the world as a spy, a diplomat, and, occasionally, a war strategist. That few years' gap between her and Weiss proved to be the reason for Winter's brilliance exceeding that of her younger sister, as Ruby noticed that they both had many similar habits and thought patterns. However, Winter thought logically and emotionlessly, while Weiss often lost control of her anger and let her emotions dictate many of her decisions. She never admitted that, but Ruby figured it out during their short time together so far.

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