Chapter 66: Mission Accomplished

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"Couldn't you have made it a little less bloody?" Jacques Schnee grumbled, his nose wrinkled in displeasure.

The once gleaming, spotless white hallway had become no less of a murder scene. Bullet holes punctured the walls, blood had splattered all over the carpet, and a few ornamental vases were in shattered pieces on the ground. Roman and Neo sat unconscious against the wall.

Qrow shrugged. "Doesn't seem like a problem to me. I was thinking you could use some of the money you have stuffed up your rear for repairs. Maybe add another fancy chandelier, or something."

That really set him off. "You're lucky I'm not locking you up in the cooler!" Mr. Schnee raged.

"And you're lucky you're still alive," Qrow shot back. "Suck it up!"

Blake nudged an unresponsive Roman with her foot. "Excuse the interruption, but what are we going to do with these two?"

"My guards will force them into the nearest prison, of course," Jacques sneered. "You've done your job, so get the hell out of here before I regret returning the favor!"

"So much for a thank you," Qrow mumbled. He grabbed Blake by the arm and dragged her to the stairs. "Come on, kitty cat. We have one last errand to run."


The hospital room was dead quiet. Somehow, the rowdy blonde and her energetic sister had fallen asleep. They were slouched against one another on adjacent chairs, peacefully dozing. Winter and Weiss seated themselves on the edge of the cot.

"Thank goodness they finally shut up," the eldest Schnee mocked. "What are you planning to do now, Weiss?"

Weiss looked at her confusedly. "What do you mean?"

"You'll have quite the dilemma to face when you return home, and who knows what kind of mood Father will be in after having to deal with that numbskull, Qrow." Winter sighed. "Will he even recognize him, I wonder...?"

"Did they know each other?" Weiss inquired.

Winter hummed. "Somewhat. Qrow came to Atlas for a short period of time on an escort mission for some important freighters. You could say he's the reason I left. Or rather, he's the one I turned to when I was cast out."

The younger Schnee frowned at the last part.

"The way he treats his job is so strange," Winter continued. "Defending innocent people's lives and constantly fighting to prevent the world from falling into disaster... For such a big responsibility, he takes it too lightly, so I decided I would ensure that he wouldn't slack off."

Weiss giggled. "In other words, you admired him and wanted to be his apprentice."

"Pah!" Winter scoffed. "As if."

Yep, the heiress mused. It's written all over her face.

Soft voices echoed down the hall and reached the Schnee sisters' ears. "Speak of the devil," the eldest groaned, recognizing one of the voices to be Qrow's.

There was a prompt knock on the door, and Winter got up to answer it. When she pulled the door open, they were greeted with an unexpectedly gruesome sight.

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