Checkpoint Special: Weiss' Journal

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AN: If the title didn't make it clear, this is the ((halfway no more)) special thing I was talking about! It consists of your favorite Ice Queen's thoughts on generally everything I haven't covered during this AU in diary format! Nothing is dated exactly, but at the end of chapter 16, the season is in the process of changing from autumn to winter.
Also, thanks for bearing with me! I've made sure to start planning things ahead of schedule in the hopes of publishing a chapter every week until the fic is done. Hope you enjoy!

~Weiss' Journal~

Dear diary,

Today marks the end of the one and only thing I ever truly loved: fencing. Ever since I could hold a rapier, I knew what I wanted to do in life. My parents, seeing my natural talent, decided it would be a good investment to place me in competitive fencing. I guess they were right. It makes me feel so strong, so free... That's something I can't feel without a steel mask over my face, ironically.

The one who took all this away from me turns out to be some rookie who was arrogant enough to think she could make the championships, and... she was right. I still don't understand how I was beaten by someone with only three months of training (as rumor has it)! My hand is shaking just thinking about it.

Naturally, Dad was furious. The cost of my single fumble is the loss of my passion. I can't help but think it's unfair, but nobody says no to my father. Those who do meet a cold punishment.


Dear diary,

Oh, how fate loves to screw with me. I picked the first day of school to get distracted by some boy, and who ends up running into me? The girl who ruined my dreams. I could easily recognize her face, as it had often appeared in my nightmares.

She seemed so sweet and innocent, but I can just tell that underneath her naive silver eyes, there lies a demon intent on ruining my every hope for happiness. She'd better run away if she knows what's good for her.

On a slightly more cheerful note, I've picked up a steady pace on my schoolwork. It's the only other thing I have to distract myself from grieving over my poor rapier closet, which is beginning to collect dust. It's so unfair that a single screw-up made me lose my fencing privileges! Father forbids me to even look at a sword.


Dear diary,

Gym class today was unbelievable. Naturally, I'm in the same class as Ruby Rose, and so is Cardin Winchester, who's basically my nemesis and a rich, jockey bastard. He had the nerve to shoot me down with a dodgeball, but at the last second, Ruby jumped in front of me and took the hit. She flew across the court like a bullet! I hate to admit that she's the fastest person I've ever met in all physical aspects. Maybe not so much mental. Anyways, I thought it was a good opportunity to vent some of my rage, so I chewed her out in the locker room. She seemed seriously injured, though. Little bitch deserved it...


Dear diary,

I recently met this boy named Neptune, and he's literally every girl's dream. Slick blue hair, dazzling green eyes, spectacular muscles, and a reasonable sense of fashion. I often catch him in the library, reading textbooks or browsing for a good novel. He's handsome and smart! He even called me "snow angel" once. Even though he was probably just teasing me, I was in a daze about it for the rest of the day.

There's going to be a school dance on Friday, and I'm thinking of asking Neptune. He doesn't seem to have a date yet. I wonder why not. But, that's all the more reason to ask him out! I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it... I hope I don't mess it up.

Also, by some unexplainable series of unfortunate events, Ruby has weaseled her way into my group of friends and is trying to socialize with me. Does she want to rub her victory in my face? I don't know because she hasn't brought it up once. Neither have I, of course. That being said, I'm simply trying my best to avoid her. It's difficult to be nice to someone when you're holding a grudge.


Dear diary,

Well, there goes any hope of regaining happiness. Neptune, the boy of my dreams, has a boyfriend. I wasn't even able to ask him to go with me. But he seemed really happy... God damn it! I want to crawl into the deepest, darkest corner and die.

Dear diary,

Being a Schnee, I have to attend every social gathering known to man and was forced to go to the dance alone anyways. Ruby was there alone, too. Not like I'm surprised. That idiot couldn't successfully flirt with the most desperate person in the world (that probably being Jaune). But I have to admit, she sort of saved me tonight. Pyrrha didn't come because Jaune got sick (a lame excuse, if you ask me) so I was stuck with no one but Ruby. So, I embarrassed the heck out of myself and broke down sobbing like a little kid. She was surprisingly supportive.

I feel like such an idiot. All this time I'd thought she wanted to be friends with me because of what happened a couple months ago, but when she looked down at me, I saw sincerity in her eyes. I don't know how else to describe it. I've never really made a friend before. People always spread rumors behind my back and call me horrible names just because they're jealous of my social status, but Ruby didn't seek me out to belittle me. It feels...nice, knowing that someone like her exists. She still seems to have no idea she was up against me, but I still can't forgive her for taking away the one thing that made me happy. Grudges are annoying. And yet, the grudge isn't necessarily aimed at her anymore.

At the end of the dance, I asked Ruby if we could "hang out" sometime. She looked at me as if I had suddenly turned into a horse or something. Guess this whole "friend" thing is gonna take some work...

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