Chapter 51: First Priority

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Ruby stumbled into her room and slammed the door, leaning against it with all her weight. She felt the persistent heiress' palms smack the wooden slab.

"Ruby, you better let me in right now," Weiss threatened directly behind Ruby as if nothing separated them, her tone sending a chill of terror down the spooked brunette's spine.

Why was everyone so intent on hunting her down today?

"O-Only if you promise to be nice," Ruby squeaked, her voice cracking in fear. "Yang wouldn't be happy if she found out I got hurt."

There was a short pause. She heard Weiss step away from the door. "Not like I was going to in the first place..."

The little brunette sighed in relief and slowly turned the knob. Weiss flung the door open, causing the unprepared younger girl to stagger back.

Ruby stifled a yelp when the heiress rapidly advanced on her, but Weiss kept her promise. Snowy white hair brushed against Ruby's cheek as Weiss gave her one of the biggest hugs she'd ever received.

When you had Yang for a sister, that really meant something.

"You're so stupid," Weiss choked. Ruby could tell the icy girl's defenses were melting, though her face was hidden in her shoulder.

That could've gone a lot worse, Ruby thought in relief, returning the hug with all the sincerity she could muster. "I... I know."

"You really can't help it, can you?" Weiss half-cried, half-laughed. She wanted to see Ruby's face up-close, but not while in tears.

Ruby smiled. "Nope. And you can't help thinking I'm stupid, huh?"

The heiress scoffed. "Can you blame me?"

"No," Ruby laughed.

"Besides, if that wasn't why I liked you, I wouldn't have been here at all," Weiss added, but she froze in shock at her own words.

"You mean it?" Ruby asked, her eyes sparkling. She'd never heard Weiss say the word "like" without the "dis" before it.

The ivory-haired girl chose that moment to pull away and immediately regretted her decision. Those shining, silver irises glistened like polished gems. She had to look away again to answer. "Of course not, you dolt!"

"Really? I always thought it was 'cause I'm stupid," Ruby joked, loosening up.

"What I meant to say was that it's what makes you you," the white-haired girl sighed.

Ruby knew Weiss long enough to figure out that she really did mean the first thing she said. She knew why Yang was so clingy, but Weiss' sudden outburst remained an enigma. And something else didn't add up. "How come you came over here so late?"

Weiss crossed her arms. "What, can't I be out late on a weekend?"

"True," Ruby nodded. "But don't you have curfew?"

The rebellious heiress laughed mockingly. "As if I'd let my father stop me!"

"Still, it seems like a silly reason to risk punishment. You could've just waited until tomorrow," Ruby pointed out. "And I was about to answer when you called."

She tried not to giggle as the heiress' face turned bright pink. "Whatever," Weiss muttered in response. She was triple-guessing her decision to force her way here. "I wanted to see for myself that you weren't dying, or something like that."

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