Chapter 61: Deep Breaths

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Blake walked at a brisk pace down the street, constantly glancing left and right. He told her to meet him somewhere around here, but she didn't see him yet. She didn't want to see him at all, but she knew he'd find her if she tried to run. And so, here she was, leaving Weiss in the care of a tough yet careless blonde and her little sister.

Suddenly, Blake felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked behind her to see a figure hooded by a grey sweatshirt.

It was him.

He jabbed his thumb down an alleyway, and they discreetly escaped from the crowded sidewalk. Once they were under a considerable amount of shade, Blake's accomplice removed his hood. The white mask he always wore was ever present, his gleaming red eyes hardly hidden behind them. His hair was jet black with streaks of crimson mixed in, gelled into little spikes and slicked back. But what made him the most menacing-looking were the devilish horns jutting out from the sides of his forehead.

"It took you longer than usual, dear," he murmured in a deep tone that sent chills of alarm down her spine. "I thought maybe you'd be more eager to see me."

"Cut it out, Adam!" Blake snapped. "I thought you were the one who said this was strictly business."

"But now that we're here, alone, maybe you could loosen up a little?" He leaned against a building and pursued the conversation dryly.

"Pleasantries aside, you know why I asked you to come here. The marked date was yesterday, and I'm not seeing any tragic news reports. Did you forget about the mission?"

"No," Blake sighed. "How could I?"

"So then, you failed?" The man pushed himself away from the wall and towered over her menacingly.

"Of course not!" Blake exclaimed offendedly, then remembered that this situation was different from all the times before. "I mean, not entirely."

The bull Faunus frowned. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

Blake took a deep, shaky breath. It was now or never. "I've decided to abandon the mission."

"What?! But why?!" Adam likely had an expression of shock behind his mask. "We were so close! One simple action, Blake, and tens of thousands of Faunus would be liberated! We may have even had the chance to take over some of the factories! Think of all the good you could do, and all at the cost of one man's life. And it's not like he doesn't deserve it," he added harshly.

"I know our people are suffering," Blake argued, "but this can't be the solution. There would be mass confusion everywhere, even for us! There must be another way, one that doesn't involve cutting throats."

"It's a wonder to me as to why you've grown so soft since I last saw you," Adam sneered. "You've become a coward, Blake! Admit it."

"I'm nothing even close to a coward!" the angry girl retorted. "In fact, it's the exact opposite! I'm protecting the people I love! And who are you to talk? If you wanted this done so badly, you should've done it yourself!"

Adam's shoulders slouched, and his tone temporarily lost its razor edge. "I let you take on the mission because I trusted you, Blake. I thought I was the one you loved. Apparently, I was wrong... You're a double-crossing bitch!"

The sound of sliding metal was barely enough to warn Blake of Adam's incoming attack. She leaped back in time to avoid his katana biting into her flesh and simultaneously drew daggers from her boots. She knew this fight would be unavoidable, as much as it pained her.

"I used to have faith in you!" she cried out. "But ever since your uncle took power, you've been nothing but violent and merciless! Freedom doesn't have to come at such a high cost, Adam!"

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