Chapter 2: Making History

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Ruby went through three classes of cluttered confusion and frantic scattering of syllabuses...syllabi? Syllabees? Whatever.
After a 10 minute break in which she and Penny met up to discuss their classes and so on, it was time to get to history class. Ruby wasn't really one for memorizing notes, or paying enough attention to copy them, for that matter. But she liked watching historical documentaries, and she absorbed just enough information to stay on the border of failing. It confused her teachers as to why she seemed so bright when her grades were so mediocre.
As Ruby made her way through the halls, she heard someone yell, "Ruby!" She turned around and saw her friend Nora, along with her guy friend Ren. He was quiet and a bit shy, but Nora made up for that with her loud and cheerful personality. They were almost always together, and Ruby was surprised they weren't dating.
Nora skipped up to Ruby with Ren calmly walking behind her. "Hiya, Rubes!" she exclaimed. Ruby smiled and waved. "Hey, Nora. Hey, Ren. What's up?"
Nora suddenly became extremely animated, and Ren rolled his eyes. "It's our first day at Beacon! I'm sooooooooo excited! AND high school! It's like, 'where did my life just go? Out the window!'" She turned to the nearest window and gasped. "Speaking of which, the view from here is a-ma-ziiiiiiing! I've never seen such a big campus!
"Oh!" She stopped a moment. "We should have, like, a special signal so we can find each other in the hallways! Like a flag, or an animal call! Ren, can you imitate a sloth?"
Ren sighed. "Nora, I don't think sloths make a lot of noise," he said.
"......That's why it's PERFECT! No one will suspect a thing!"
Before Nora could continue her rambling, a bell rang. "Oops!" she exclaimed. "Gotta go! See ya!" She waved at Ruby and dashed off without even giving Ruby a chance to say goodbye. She and Ren exchanged a knowing look, and he said, "See you around, Ruby." He ran to catch up with Nora. Ruby chuckled and headed to her classroom once more.

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