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Nathalia P

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Nathalia P.O.V

I just drove past the ' Welcome to Mystic Falls ' sign and I mentally blew it up in my head, watching it happily as it was burning and would be no longer but that's just a dream which would probably never happen.

I don't understand why Elijah needs my help to be honest he never told me, he just said come to Mystic Falls. How bloody vague.

I drove through town, every person I drove by had their mouths hanging open due to my car being a matte black Audi R8, a little gift from my big brother. I smirked as I sped away, following the road which was suppose to take me a boarding house a group of brother's owned. 

I finally arrived and drove up the drive, my car or as I like to call it the beast began to slow down until I was parked outside the front of the boarding house, I saw the door open and a group of people came out including my beloved big brother.

I turned the engine off and stepped out the car, my heels clicked as they connected with the ground, I shut the door and smiled at my brother, who sped over to me and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head into his neck.

'' I missed you so much little one.'' He whispered. I smiled at his words.

'' I missed you to big brother.'' I replied and kissed his cheek and pulled away to find a group of people staring at us, unsure on what to do. I nudge Elijah, who broke out of his gaze, his eyes followed mine and introduced me to the group of people.

'' Salvatore's, Elena, Bonnie. This is my little sister Nathalia.'' Elijah said proudly.

'' Hi, it's nice to meet you all.'' I said in the most polite tone ever. They all nodded and said 'hey' back, not the most welcoming people I've ever met but I shrugged it off.

'' Nathalia is going to help us with our plan.'' Elijah said. I nodded until I realised I didn't know the plan but I'm guessing it had to do with the doppleganger Elena. 

'' I need to know the plan before I agree to anything.'' I told everyone mainly my brother.

'' You haven't told her ?'' A raven haired man said. Elijah sighed, I looked at him bewildered it can't be that bad.

'' Nathalia when I tell you this I need you to stay calm.'' Elijah said as he took a couple of steps back which he only ever did that when something was bad and he knew I would go completely psychotic.

'' What ??'' I questioned, my mood darkening a little and my brother seemed to notice and I could tell everybody saw him shift a little at my tone.

'' As you can see Elena is a Petrova doppleganger and one of the ingredients to breaking the curse which keeps Niklaus's wolf side at bay.'' Elijah answered, I watched the blonde man behind my brother stiffen at the words ingredients, he is probably sleeping with the doppleganger, what a poor soul he'll get his heart broken in the future.

'' Tell me something I don't know Elijah.'' I told him my words getting harsher every time they leave my mouth, the raven haired man smirked at my attitude but I wasn't interested in him right now.

'' Niklaus is going to break the curse, then I'm going to kill him.'' Elijah said his tone turned into anger and sadness but mainly anger.

'' He is our brother Elijah.'' 

'' Indeed but Lia he has done so many things to this family, our family. He buried our family at sea.'' Elijah argued back but I knew the truth, Niklaus didn't bury the coffins which hold our family in the ocean, he keeps them in a warehouse in Chicago heavily guarded but I couldn't tell Elijah. I promised Niklaus I wouldn't.

'' Elijah that doesn't give you the right to kill him. We are the only three left.'' I argued back.

'' I know  but the daggers unfortunately don't work on him.....'' Elijah said but I spoke before he could finish.

'' So you going to put him down for good, the nuclear option. It's not like you could of found a witch to find a solution which doesn't end up with him dead' I said, I turned away from my brother and walked up to my car.

'' Nathalia Marie  where do you think your going ?'' Elijah asked in a parental tone. I ignored him and got in the car and turned the engine on. I revved indicating for him to move but he doesn't, I revved again but he was being stubborn, the group of people were currently looking at us in shock and amazement, they probably didn't think that the Original family would act like this. I revved again but nothing. I groaned but drove backwards, Elijah raised an eyebrow at my childish behaviour and smirked knowing I was just going to turn around and go back the way I came, so he sped behind my car, I smirked at him through the mirror and sped forward and down the drive exiting the Salvatore property and leaving my brother and his friends in the wind.

New book posted !

Clara ForbesDecember 17 1992 - July 5 2009A loving daughterAn amazing sisterA wonderful friend

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Clara Forbes
December 17 1992 - July 5 2009
A loving daughter
An amazing sister
A wonderful friend.

A light taken to soon from this world.

But that's not true now is it ?
Its Mystic Falls no ones stays dead.

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