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Nathalia P

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Nathalia P.O.V

A groan left my dry lips, my throat was aching and was dying for it's thirst to be quenched. My head was throbbing from the bright lights that pierced my eyes. Then everything hit me all at once, the sound of birds chirping, the smell of fresh blood pumping through my noise. I took in my surroundings while gently lifting myself of the bed I was probably in while In my deep sleep.

'' You're awake.'' A voice said, I turned my head and saw Stefan leaning against the door frame a glass of blood in his hand. I licked my lips and I felt the veins under my eyes ache for the taste. Stefan walked closer to me and handed me the drink.

'' Thank you.'' I whispered. The blood was gone in one sip, I ran my tongue of my lips licking the last remains of the sweet substance.

'' You look better.'' He said. 

'' Where's  Elijah ?'' I questioned as I fiddled with my fingers, thoughts running through my mind. Did he kill him ? Did he become a hybrid ? Did Elijah die ?

''  Klaus daggered him.'' Stefan answered. My eyes widen, he's still alive.

'' He's a hybrid.'' I muttered a small smile on my face.

'' No way of killing him now.'' Stefan said, I frowned at his comment which Stefan noticed. I got off the bed only to be dragged back down.

'' What ?'' I snapped at him, he was taken aback by tone but regained his composure.

'' I remember.''

'' You remember what ?''

'' 1863 Nathalia.'' He said.

'' Impossible, I compelled you to forget. Oh crap.'' I said realising why he suddenly remembered memories from over 100 years ago.

'' My compulsion broke when I was daggered.'' 

'' We were in love and then you left taking my memories with you.'' He told me anger evidently in his tone.

'' Did our love mean nothing to you ? '' He questioned as he got off the bed probably trying to get as far away from me as probably.

Mikaelson sibling. (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now