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Flashback - Chicago, 1920's.

Flashback - Chicago, 1920's

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Nathalia P.O.V

'' Bekah you look divine you'll have guy's all over you.'' I say to my sister as we walk into Gloria's.

'' Thank you little sister. You don't look to bad yourself.'' She replies a smug smirk on her face, I rolled my eyes but gave her playful nudge which led to me getting a scowl.

'' Nathalia you'll ruin my dress.'' 

'' And what a tragedy that would be.'' My brother said as he put's his arm around me protecting me from the look's of lust men gave me as I walked by but tonight most of it was on Bekah and I couldn't be happier. 

'' Shut up Nik.'' She hissed and left us as she spotted someone that caught her eye. 

'' Our sister has found her next victim.'' Nik says as he leads me to our booth.

'' Poor guy he's about to have his soul sucked out of him.'' I told him a giggled leaving my lips, Nik smirked at me and waves for the waiter. My eyes scan the room, seeing if there was anyone in this club to dance with besides my brother, my eyes landed on my sister she was currently talking to someone. She is probably trying to play hard to get so the man would be more interested in her.

'' Bekah seems to be having fun.'' I say as I take my eyes off her and turn to my brother who is more interested in the woman sat on the other end of the room who is giving him flirtatious looks. 

'' And so do you.'' I continue as I point to the girl who is now blowing kisses. 

'' Rebekah can't be the only one to have fun little sister.'' He said and got out the booth leaving me to twiddle with my thumbs. I got out the booth not wanting to be sat here on my own and went to the bar were unfortunately my sister is still flirting. I order myself a drink and purposely nudge her causing her to spill a little of her drink down her dress, she gasps and so does the man she's talking too. My arm is grabbed and I spin around to face a very angry Bekah.

'' What do you think you're doing ?''

'' Having fun.'' I answer, she growled at me which makes a smirk appear on my face.

'' I think you need to apologise.'' The man said, I chuckled and turned to face the  man, my eyes widen and a gasp escapes my lips.

'' Stefan.'' I whisper.


What do you guy's think ??

Should I do another 1920's flashback ?

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