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Nathalia P.O.V

'' Lia why is there a corpse on the floor ??''

'' I was hungry and boredom hit me a like truck.'' I replied answering my big brother's question.

'' Well  you're friend is staining a 300 year old rug.'' Nik said as his eyes were solely focused on me.

'' And if Bekah was out of the box she would be having a breakdown right about now.'' I told him a smirk on my face, Nik chuckled and sat next to me and poured himself a glass of bourbon and sat it next to mine.

'' Any luck on wolf hunting ??'' I asked as I took my eyes away from my sketch book and watched Nik play with his drink.

'' No wolves are very hard creatures to find.''

'' Maybe they scattered after hearing about you breaking the curse and now you're looking for an army that could of sent them all into hiding.'' I said.

'' It's possible but who wouldn't want to be a hybrid. They wouldn't have to go through excruciating pain every full moon. They can transform at will, live forever. They would be unstoppable.'' Nik said as he brought his drink to his lips and took a sip.

'' Nik, wolves have always hated vampires since father decided to wage a war against them and we all know their numbers have dwindled over the years. In the 14th century there were hundreds maybe even thousands of packs but then our bloodlines grew and grew until vampires topped wolves and we began to hunt them and then there is also father and his hunters going off to kill them. Maybe they want to stay wolves so they can increase their sizes and make the wolves great again and not appear so weak and defeated'' I said my eyes moving over to the body on the floor, this dead boy was defeated and there will be more to come.

'' What if there was a way to insure that the packs grow ? Make a deal with packs when we come across them ?'' He asked putting his empty glass on the table and pouring himself another drink.

'' What like a certain amount become a hybrid and the other half of the pack will be protected and well looked after ?'' 

'' I get what I want and they get what they want.'' He answered, I nodded.

'' A very unlikely alliance and father would probably be rolling in his tomb about now, I like it.'' I said a giggle escaping my lips. Nik chuckled and kissed my temple.

'' I do to little sister, now I'm off to go visit a witch about the wolf situation. Be good.'' He said as he got of the couch and walked to the door.

Mikaelson sibling. (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now