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Nathalia P.O.V

I was currently sat on the bonnet of my car looking at the night sky full of stars. I drove around Mystic Falls for a while, trying not to stop in one place for to long so Elijah couldn't find me. After a couple of hours driving aimlessly, I found myself on Wickery Bridge. I parked my car in the middle of the road and decided to watch the stars.

Flashback - 1920's

'' Niklaus look at the stars tonight, they are so bright.'' I told my brother as I peered out the window. The stars shine sparkled in my eyes. My brother chuckled but came over anyone, happy to see his little sister so amazed and full of curiosity.

'' A sky full of possibilities my little Lia.'' Niklaus said as stood next to me. A smile on his face as he watched me look at the stars so intently as I was trying to find the stories behind every single one like I did every night.

'' A sky full of stories.'' I told him as I turned away from the sky and looked at my big brother, who is currently wearing a white suit, his sandy blonde hair styled back and his blue eyes full of mischief.

'' Indeed so little sister.'' 


I smiled to myself as the memory came to an end. Me and Niklaus always had a special bond, something our other siblings didn't seem to understand nor did our parents.

We were the outcasts of the family, Niklaus due to him having a different father and me for no apparent reason. I just thought differently and was curious about the world around me which my siblings admired about me but my parents did not and only saw things in black and white. 

'' Your brother is looking for you.'' A unfamiliar voice said pulling me out of my thoughts. I sat up and turned to where the voice was coming from, it was one of the Salvatore brothers, I didn't catch his first name though I was probably never given it.

'' Well he isn't doing such a good job as I've been sat here for nearly an hour.'' I replied to the man. He chuckled and walked up to me.

'' Stefan.'' He said as he held out his hand.

'' Nathalia'' I told him and took his hand and gave it a shake. We pulled away and I went back to looking at the stars.

'' So can I ask why your out here in the middle of the night ??'' 

'' I could ask you the same thing.'' I answered with a cheeky grin on my face, he smiled at my answer.

'' I asked you first.''

'' Indeed you did but you get to tell my why your out here as well.'' I told him.

'' Agreed.''

'' Ever since I was a little girl, I've always been curious about the world around me and I admired it and it's beauty and every night before I would go to sleep, I would look up at the night sky which was home to millions even billions of stars and I'd think  that every star has it's own story.'' I told Stefan, I turned away from the sky and looked at him, Stefan's was looking at me with admiration and something I couldn't quite distinguish.

'' It's stupid.'' I muttered as I turned away to hide my blush.

'' It's not stupid. It's the most real thing I've heard in my 164 years of being a vampire. It's an amazing quality to be curious and think of the world differently as many people only see it the way they want too.'' Stefan said as he hopped onto my bonnet and gave me a nudge with his elbow, making me look at him, a smile came on to my face.

'' My father use to say that my curiosity was going to get me killed.'' 

'' Well you father was wrong.'' He said. I giggled and looked back at the stars.

'' So Stefan Salvatore what are you doing out in the middle of the night ??'' I asked as I looked back down.

'' My brother Damon.'' 

'' The raven haired one ?'' I asked, he nodded.

'' My brother has a crush on my girlfriend and I think my girlfriend has a crush on my brother.''

'' Oh.'' I said, I looked at him with sadness and took his hand in mine. He was shocked at first but relaxed.

'' Stefan, I may have not known you for a while but you seem like a decent guy and any girl would be lucky to be with you and I'm guessing the girl your dating is Elena and if she leaves you for your brother then it's her loss because you are an amazing catch.'' I say trying to lighten up the mood. He chuckled and gave me a grateful look.

'' You know your the only person who has said that. We have been so focused lately and everybody just expects me to fine but really I'm breaking inside because one day she could leave me and I just would feel empty, she's my true love'' He said as he looked at our intertwined hands.

'' Do you want to know one of the best things about being a vampire ?'' I asked him a smile on my face. He nodded.

'' One of the best things about being a vampire is that we have eternity on this earth and you may think now that Elena is your true love but their will be more in the future and if she really was your true love, you will always find your way back to each other even after all the crap that's been dealt to you.'' I answered, Stefan smiled and we both looked up at the stars.

'' Thank you, you're much nicer than I expected you to be.'' He said with a chuckle, I giggled at his statement.

'' I'm much nicer than the rest of my family.'' I told him as I turned to face him. I sighed.

'' What's wrong ?''

'' I need to go apologise to my brother.'' I told him as I jumped of my car. He nodded.

'' Thank you Nathalia.'' 

'' Your welcome Stefan.'' I told him and he sped away, I got into my car and drove around Mystic Falls looking for my big brother.

'' I told him and he sped away, I got into my car and drove around Mystic Falls looking for my big brother

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Clara ForbesDecember 17 1992 - July 5 2009A loving daughterAn amazing sisterA wonderful friend

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Clara Forbes
December 17 1992 - July 5 2009
A loving daughter
An amazing sister
A wonderful friend.

A light taken to soon from this world.

But that's not true now is it ?
Its Mystic Falls no ones stays dead.

Mikaelson sibling. (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now