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Nathalia P

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Nathalia P.O.V

'' This isn't exactly how I planned our day together.'' Stefan said giving me a nudge as we walked down the streets of Mystic Falls.

'' You've planned our day together ?'' I asked a small smirk on my face, giving him a nudge back.

'' Maybe.'' He muttered quietly to himself but I heard him perfectly, my smirk turned into a smile and I felt my cheeks turn warm which I hope Stefan hasn't noticed.

'' So where would a doppleganger....'' Stefan said but was cut off by my phone, I mouthed ' sorry' and answered my phone.

'' Hello''

'' Nathalia any news about the doppleganger ??'' Nik asked.

'' Nothing you ??'' I replied as me and Stefan went into the Grill.

'' I can't find her, it's like she fell of the face of the earth.''

'' Ahh she pulled a Katherine.'' I said making myself and Stefan chuckle but I knew Niklaus was not amused as his silence was implying he was not impressed.

'' Nathalia.'' He growled after a deafening minute.

'' Nik she probably hasn't left Mystic Falls. We all know she wouldn't leave her brother.''

'' Your right. Maybe we could use the young Gilbert to draw her out of hiding.'' Nik says, I can picture the smirk on his face at this very moment.

'' Klaus you are not using Jeremy.'' Stefan argued as he took my phone and pressed it to his ear.

'' Oh come on. He'll die sooner or later.'' Nik argued back, I rolled my eyes at their behaviour and walked up to the bar leaving them in peace. 

'' Hey Matt right ?'' I asked the blonde hair bar tender.

'' Yeah who's asking ?'' 

'' A friend of Stefan Salvatore's.'' I answer as my eyes dart to Stefan who was currently still on the phone.

'' Vampire ?'' 

'' No a fairy, of course I'm a vampire. Now blue eyes I need your help.'' I told him and looked into his eyes. He smirked and said

'' You can't compel me, I'm on vervain.'' 

'' I wasn't trying to. I was only asking for help.'' I told him as I played with my ring.

'' What do you need ?'' 

'' Elena.'' I answered, his face dropped.

'' Can't help you there.'' He said and was about to turn away but I reached over the bar and grabbed his arm.

'' Now Matt don't be like that. I know she's your ex and I also know deep inside you still have feelings for her, so you going to tell me where the little brat is.'' I tell him a little anger in my tone but some playfulness and a little smirk creeps it way onto my face.

'' Fine.'' He huffed out.

'' Great.'' I replied.

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