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Nathalia P

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Nathalia P.O.V

It was early hours of the morning when I stumbled into the house me and my brother currently shared, my white shirt was no longer white due to the large amount of blood that stained it. I shut the door quietly trying my best not wake Nik up and tip toed across the foyer and towards the stairs only to be stopped by the study light being switched on and Niklaus sitting in his leather chair with a look of concern and anger plastered on his face. I turned to him and said

'' Hey Nik.'' 

'' Nathalia where have you been ?'' 

'' Roaming the woods, eating innocent people.'' I answer a small smirk on my lips but Niklaus was not impressed whenever I would go off killing people at random everyone of my siblings especially Niklaus would start getting concerned and tried getting to the root of the problem which caused my erratic behaviour.

'' What's wrong love ?'' He questioned as he stood up from his chair and walked over to me.

'' Nothing's wrong.'' I replied, Nik was now in front of me and he put my hand in his and dragged me to the couch that was situated in the corner of the room.

'' Lia I thought we didn't lie to each other and especially keep secrets from one and other.'' He was right, I never kept a secret from Nik besides the Stefan one but I after me being daggered and the compulsion wore off, Stefan went searching for answers and went to Niklaus to get them which did not go down to well. 

'' It's Stefan, we were having such a great time together and then he snapped at me after our discussion about Elena. I know he still loves her but he told me so many times that he's over her and doesn't care what happens to her yet he still went to go save her today and then Damon found me and asked me to betray you so he could get the girl and I told him no because I don't choose love over family and I miss Elijah and I know he's a complete and utter dick but he's my big brother and I miss him.'' I said and all this extra weight lifted off me and I breathed a sigh of relief, Nik pulled me into his arms and said

'' Little Lia I'm proud of you, you choose your family over some boy and I'm glad because family is forever and I'm also glad that you didn't betray me to get the boy. I know you miss Elijah and I will undagger him for you but if he hurts you again he's off back in the box.'' Niklaus said in a protective tone, I giggled at his protectiveness and kissed his cheek.

'' I love you Nik.''

'' I love you to Little Lia.'' He replied a small smile on his face.

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