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Niklaus P.O.V

I looked over Elijah's current state, he looked peaceful but yet I can see a hint of pain resting upon his features, I told Nathalia I would let him out of the box but what if he hurts again, what if I let them all out and they all hurt her ? I can't have that. I sighed but wrapped my fingers around the dagger and pulled it out of his chest with ease and waited for my big brother to wake from his slumber.

A gasp tore my eyes away from my sketch, I look at the coffin holding my beloved brother and saw him sitting up a look of horror covering his face

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A gasp tore my eyes away from my sketch, I look at the coffin holding my beloved brother and saw him sitting up a look of horror covering his face.

'' I thought you would of been happy, you don't have to live all eternity in a box.'' I said as I turned back to my sketch.

'' I hurt her Niklaus.'' 

'' Indeed you did.'' I growled and threw my sketch book on the table and sped over to him and grabbed him by the neck and threw him at the wall making all the paintings fall to the floor. He got up but stumbled due to the lack of blood.

'' How dare you dagger her. You promised her that you would never hurt her and yet you did.'' I shouted, I could feel all the anger start to build up inside of me. My wolf wanted to be unleashed, it wanted to rip him to pieces.

'' Don't you think I know that Niklaus.'' Elijah shouted back as he sped over to me and pushed me against the wall. 

'' I wanted to undagger her the minute I did it. The look on her face wasn't anger it was fear, she looked at me the way she looked at father.'' Elijah continued his grip loosened on my neck and took this as an opportunity to punch him in the face repeatedly that was I was thrown against a wall but not by Elijah.

'' What do you think your doing ?'' Nathalia questioned in a sleep voice.

'' Teaching our dear brother a lesson.'' I answered as I lunged for Elijah but was pushed against the wall again by Nathalia whose fully vamped out, her beautiful bright blue eyes now a deep shade of red, her snowflake skin covered in dark veins and her fangs elongated out her mouth and rested on her lips.

'' Leave him alone.'' She growled I tried to move but she growled again, I lifted my hands up in surrender and she let go of my neck and her regained her composure her face returning to his angelic state. She sped in front of Elijah and slapped him across the face.

'' That is for daggering me.'' 

'' And this is because I've missed you.'' She said and pulled him into a hug, Elijah sighed happily and wrapped his arms around her tightly making my heart twinge in jealousy. 

'' I'm so sorry.'' He whispered.

'' I forgive.'' She whispers back, Nathalia pulled away and walked to the entrance of room.

'' Now I'm off back to bed, don't try to kill each other.'' She said and left the room but she returned and sped over to me and pulled me into a hug.

'' Didn't want you to feel left out.'' She whispered causing me to smile and then she sped away.


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