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Nathalia P.O.V

" Elijah how do we tell him ? " I ask as we were now sat in the parlour drinking.

" I don't know." He sighed. " This could go two ways. A he takes it very well and realises that family is power or.."

" He tears this town apart until it rain's blood. " I finished, pouring myself another drink.

" I'm guessing there is no option 3." I shook my head.

" Maybe we don't tell him." Elijah says. " Maybe we say that Elena ran, just like Katerina. "

" We can't lie. He would stop at nothing to find her." I ran a hand through my hair " Why don't we just hand her over to him ?"

" We can't do that. " Stefan said, I groaned.

" Stefan you said it yourself that she is a completely different person, her moral's are gone. " I tell him.

" Your right. Elena will just cause problems in the future if we don't act now. " Elijah agreed to my idea.

" Say we did do this, what about Damon ?" Stefan questions.

" He doesn't care about her. He care's about Katherine, always have and always will. Elena is just the stand in until the really thing comes along. " I answer, finishing my drink.

" Fine. I agree to this plan. "

Dedicated to chelbel98

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