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Nathalia P

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Nathalia P.O.V

' Elijah are you sure that magic potion of yours will work ?' I asked as he twisted the small glass bottle in his hands.

' I don't know sister, it could work but it's 500 years old so there is a slight chance that Elena shall not come back to life.' I nodded at my brothers answer and thought at the events that took place a couple of days ago. Everybody was slightly pissed at me due to me offering Alaric to Niklaus as a body loan but they got over it because if it wasn't Alaric it would be another poor soul. Bonnie tried to kill my brother in the process killing her and Niklaus get's to fight another day also Elijah is still on his revenge plan and Stefan has barley said a word to me because of the Alaric body swap. Fantastic.

'Elijah I'm going out.' 

I sped out the house and towards Wickery bridge. This bridge seems to be my safe place even though a lot of people have died on it. I walked towards the edge and peered down, my reflection looking at me. I look a lot more like Elijah and my other brother Kol than I do Nik and Rebekah but my personality is exactly like Niklaus's, we have a bond that we don't share with our siblings it's probably because of our father. He treated us badly were as our other siblings were scolded and that would make anyone scared but me and Niklaus got beatings and other forms of punishment which weren't very pleasant. Our mother did nothing but observe she wouldn't want him to turn on her and get the beating me and my brother got.

' What's going on in that little head of yours sister?' Niklaus's voice said pulling me out of my very deep thoughts.

' Father and his cruel punishments.' I whispered and I knew he heard it because his face was covered in emotion, pain, anger, guilt and sadness.

' He can't hurt you any more. I won't let him hurt you.' Niklaus said in a soft voice and pulled me into a hug. I nuzzled my head into his chest breathing in his scent.

' I know. Do you really think the crypt in Charlotte will keep in locked up ?'

' I don't know sister but all we have to do is hope that no one finds him.' He answered. I nodded and held him tighter. I always loved Niklaus's hugs, he only ever gave me them which made my sister jealous of course but I didn't mind. He pulled away and looked at me with a smirk on his face.

' Ritual tonight sweetheart, do you want a front row seat ?' Niklaus asked me, I smirked back.

'Oh brother. I wouldn't miss it for the world.' I replied and I sped away to go see what the scooby doo gang are planning.

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