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Nathalia P.O.V

I didn't bother to go with Nik to hunt for Elena, I couldn't care less about her. I walked into the grill to find it nearly empty only a man in a leather jacket sat alone at the bar and I knew who it was. 

'' Mr Salvatore.'' I say as I walk towards the man.

'' Mini Klaus.'' He replies turning in his chair, a smirk on his face.

'' What you doing back in Mystic Falls ? Last time I heard you and Klaus were hunting wolves.'' He asks turning back to his drink.

'' We were but there was a complication.'' I told him as I took the stool next to him.

'' A complication ?'' 

'' Yes it seems whenever Klaus turns a hybrid they die and excruciating death.'' I answer a smile on my face.

'' How tragic.'' Damon says rolling his eyes.

'' That was until we learned that we were missing a key ingredient.'' 

'' What is that then ?''

'' Elena.'' I answer, Damon looks at me anger and puzzlement on his face.

'' Elena's dead.'' 

'' Don't lie to a liar Damon. We know she's alive.'' 

'' Don't you dare touch her.'' He hissed at me.

'' Oh don't worry I won't but I can't say the same for my big brother who is currently searching the town for her as we speak.'' I told him, Damon's eyes widen and he sped towards the door but I got there first.

'' Sorry Damon but I can't have you getting in the way.'' I say and snap his neck in one swift motion, his body fell to the floor creating a 'thud.' I sighed and stepped over his body only to be stopped by his phone ringing. I smirked and crouched down and reached into his jacket pocket pulling out the phone and accepting the call.

'' Damon. We have a problem.'' Stefan's said.

'' Klaus is in town and he's looking for Elena, he knows she's not dead.'' He continued.

'' Damon.''

'' Hello Stefan.'' I finally answered.

'' Nathalia. Where's Damon ?'' He asked.

'' Taking a much needed nap.'' I answer and look down towards the dead vampire.

'' If you hurt him, I will kill you myself.'' He hissed, his anger made my heart hurt but I shook it off.

'' Do you really think that low of me ? You know I value family more than anything, do you really think I would kill your brother ?'' I ask a sadden look on my face, I heard a sigh and then he hung up. I tossed the phone to the ground shattering it and made my way towards the bar and grabbing a bottle of tequila and a shot glass and poured myself one and downing it.I grimaced at the taste but took another and then another and then another. I heard a groan pulling me out of my drinking session and looked over to Damon who was trying to get himself of the floor, I smirked and sped over to him snapping his neck once more, I sighed happily and left the bar in search of my brother and his doppleganger.

 I heard a groan pulling me out of my drinking session and looked over to Damon who was trying to get himself of the floor, I smirked and sped over to him snapping his neck once more, I sighed happily and left the bar in search of my brother and h...

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Author's note.


Phone call is in bold. 

Mikaelson sibling. (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now