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Nathalia's P.O.V

I decided to start with Damon first, get it over and done with also he was the easiest to find as I found him in the grill drinking his sorrows away in the first ten minutes of my search.

'' Mr Salvatore.'' I said as I sat in the bar stool next to him, he looked up from his drink with a small smile on his face.

'' Nathalia.'' 

'' We need to talk.'' I told him, he smirked.

'' If you want more sex, just ask for it.'' I rolled my eyes at his cockiness but a smirk matching his crept it's way onto my face, I leaned closer, our lips inches a part.

'' I rolled my eyes at his cockiness but a smirk matching his crept it's way onto my face, I leaned closer, our lips inches a part

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'' Oh Damon, I crave you, I need you to rip my clothes off and show me whose boss.'' I whispered a seductive tone leaving my lips, his eyes widened and his breath hitched.

'' Uhh.... I...'' He tried to speak but something caught his tongue, I burst out laughing.

'' Damon, us sleeping together was a one time thing.'' I told him as my laughing fit came to an end, Damon had a smile on face as he watched me calm down.

'' And why is that ?'' He questioned as he brought his glass to his lips.

'' Because what we did, hurt Stefan. I don't want to be the girl who breaks your relationship with your brother.'' I answered, he took a sip of his drink and said

'' It was already broken.'' I sighed sadly, I put my hand on top of Damon's free one.

'' Damon he's your brother, your relationship with him is more important than a girl. He's family, family is forever. He may say that he hates you but he doesn't mean it, just like you not keeping to your promise, you made over a 100 years ago about making his life hell for the rest of his life.'' I told the young vampire, he looked down at our hands and back up to me.

'' He's at the Salvatore Plantation, he's been there for the past couple of days.'' Damon said, a small smile on his face. I smiled back, I lean't in and kissed his cheek.

'' Thank you Damon, I hope we get to be friends.'' I said as I pulled away, jumping out my seat.

'' I hope so too.'' He replied, I nodded and left the grill, speeding towards the plantation.

Mikaelson sibling. (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now