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Stefan's P.O.V

Flashback - 1863

'' You have to catch me.'' She said as she stopped running.

'' Then the game would be over.'' I replied pulling her into my arms. She giggled, her laugh made me smile, she was an angel and a blessing and she was mine.

'' What if I don't want the game to be over.'' She said another giggle escaping her lips. 

'' Then I will be chasing after you forever.'' 

'' Forever is a very long time.'' 

'' It is but I couldn't think of a better person to spend it with.''  I told her moving a strand of hair out of her face.

'' I love you Stefan Salvatore.''

'' I love you Nathalia Mikaelson.'' 

Flashback ended.

My eyes shot open, my breath uneven.

'' Oh my God.'' I whispered, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and grabbed a hold of the sheets tightly. Dizziness took over to me and another flash of my past appeared.

Flashback - 1863

''  Daya could you please tie my corset.'' I heard Nathalia command her hand maiden.

Mikaelson sibling. (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now