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Nathalia P

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Nathalia P.O.V

'' Nathalia.'' A voice said as I rounded a corner.

'' Stefan shouldn't you be protecting Elena ??'' I ask a smirk on my face.

'' Damon's with her.'' He answered.

'' He woke from his beauty sleep then.'' I say and walk past Stefan but he grabbed my arm and turned me towards him a dagger in his hand.

'' I'm sorry.'' He says sadness flashed across his eyes.

'' I'm sorry too.'' I told him and smashed his head against a car window knocking him out. 

Stefan P.O.V

Where the hell am I ? I questioned myself as my eyes fluttered open, they adjusted to the light and I could make out shapes but it was to dark to see anything else that was until a candle was lit and I saw her.

'' Why don't you and I have a little chat.''

Nathalia P.O.V

'' Fine, what do you want to talk about ??'' He asks holding his hand to head trying to stop the bleeding.

'' Us Stefan. I want to talk about us.'' I answered.

'' There is no us.'' He said, I frowned but shook it off.

' There was an us.'' 

'' Until you abandoned me.'' 

'' I didn't abandon you Stefan.'' I told him as I went to go sit in front of him.

'' I had to leave to protect you.'' I continued telling him.

'' To protect me from your father.'' He muttered but I heard him, my eyes widen at his knowledge of my father if if it small.

'' How do you know about him ?'' I asked as I started to draw stars in the dirt.

'' Back in 1863, I over heard your conversation with Daya.'' Stefan answered, I could feel his eyes following my finger which was currently drawing it fifth star.

'' And then I compelled you to forget.'' 

'' Yep.'' He said popping the 'p'.

'' Stefan, It was never my intention to hurt you. I didn't want to compel you, I didn't want you to forget about me. We had such a wonderful year together and I wanted more with you but unfortunately for us that's all we got.'' I told him and took his hand in mine and he didn't recoil, he intertwined our fingers, a small smiles appeared on his face.

'' I know it was never your intention. I've been having flashbacks and they've been amazing, you always cared for me like no other has, always asked how I was and made sure that I was safe and loved. I haven't felt that kind of feeling in a long time.'' 

'' But you and Elena always seem so perfect and whenever your with her, you seem in love.'' I said whispering the last part.

'' Remember when you came back to town to help Elijah ?'' He questioned, I nodded.

'' We were both sat on the hood of your car and we gazed at the stars, I told you that Elena was in love with my brother and my brother was in love with my girlfriend.'' Stefan continued.

'' Was as in past tense ?'' I asked as I looked down at our hands which fitted perfectly together.

'' No they've been having seeing each other behind my back.'' He answered a sad look in his eyes.

'' Oh Stefan, I'm sorry and I genuinely mean it.'' 

'' It just hurts, I did everything for Elena, I was there for her, I saved her yet she loves Damon.'' He spat his brother's name out like it was dirt. I let go of his hand and cup his face.

'' Stefan listen to me, Damon did wrong but he is still your brother.'' He tried to turn away from me but I didn't let him.

'' You don't have to forgive him right now but in the future you should. He could be here one minute and gone the next.'' I continued, Stefan nodded.

'' I missed you.'' He whispered.

'' I missed you too.'' I replied, I pecked his cheek and pulled him into a hug. I felt him nuzzle into my neck, his arms tightening around me not wanting to let me go.

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