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Nathalia P.O.V

I walked away from the bar and towards Stefan and grabbed my phone off him.

'' Niklaus I know where she is.'' 

'' Do enlighten me.''

'' Gilbert Lake house.'' I replied and hung up, I look to Stefan who was half way out the door. I groaned and ran after to him.

'' Stefan where are you going ?''

'' To get Elena.''

'' Niklaus will get her.'' I tell him, he stopped and turned to me, anger plastered across his face

'' So he can use her as blood bag.'' He shouted. I furrow my eyebrows at his sudden attitude change.

'' I thought you didn't care.'' 

'' Well I lied.''

'' Obviously.'' I tell him and walked away from him leaving him to go save his damsel in distress. I came to the end of the street and turned back to already find Stefan gone, now I suddenly have a change in attitude, I went from happy, to anger to sadness in the space of twenty minutes. I mentally groaned and carried on walking and tried not to stress upon the issue. 

I walked further and further out of town until I eventually find myself in the woods completely alone, sigh of happiness left my lips as I felt all my thoughts drain away as I took in my surroundings, endless rows of trees swaying in the wind, birds chirping, deer grazing, people camping. People camping. I turned to find two loved up people eating each other's faces off, I grimaced at the sight but I took advantage of the opportunity that was just handed to me.

A very loved up couple + A very secluded part of the woods = Lunch.

I walked towards the couple and a sound of a branch snapping in two under shoe caught their attention they stopped kissing and their eyes widened with embarrassment.

'' Hello I seem to be lost and in need of some help.'' I say as I stop in front of the couple who scramble away from each other and fix their clothes.

'' Of course do you know where your heading ?'' The brunette girl asked with a smile on her face.

'' Hell.'' I answer, she looks at me with bewilderment and so does the boyfriend. I smirk and let my face vamp out, the veins under my eyes are hungry, my fangs poke out and are waiting to play. They both go pale and start shaking. The boy stars to run leaving his defenceless girlfriend behind, I shook my head at his foolishness, I sped in front of him and before he could crash into me I threw him into a tree causing a bone to crack, he screamed in pain. I smirked as I saw tears fall from his eyes, his bottom lip quivering.

'' Night night.'' I say as I grabbed him by his neck and snapped it, I dropped him to floor and turned away and walked back to the girl. I arrived only to find the girl dead, her body drained of blood.

'' What the hell ?'' I mutter as I crouch beside her, I grabbed a stick and poked her with it to make sure she is actual dead, I can't hear a heartbeat but It's Mystic Falls nothing ever stays dead.

'' Don't worry she's with the angels now.'' A familiar voice said, I groaned and turned away from the girl and towards the voice.

'' How do you know she's not dancing with the Devil ?'' I question with a smirk.

'' Because mini Klaus that's a place for me and you.'' I rolled my eyes.

'' What do you want Damon ?'' I ask and turn back to the girl figuring out how I'm going to get rid of her and her companions body.

'' Nothing.'' He answered.

'' Bullshit.'' I mutter.

'' Fine, I need you to stop Klaus from using Elena.'' He confessed, I burst out laughing, Damon looked at me with shock probably not how he imagined me reacting. I stopped and straightened myself out.

'' Damon, I'm not helping you. Nik is my brother and if he wants Elena he can have her.'' 

'' Is this about your sibling loyalty or how Stefan and Elena maybe on the train to rekindling their undying love for each other ?'' He asked a smirk on his face but I knew he was hurting on the inside.

'' Oh Damon your only doing this because your scared of losing her, you want me to stop my brother from using her so then you can swoop in and be the hero and push Stefan out the picture.'' I answer and step closer to him.

'' And you get Stefan.'' He says, I smile and eventually I am standing in front of him, our noses nearly touching, his breath hitches causing me to smirk

'' That sounds like a fantastic plan Damon but there is just one flaw.'' I say.

'' And what's that ?'' He questions.

'' I don't betray family for love.'' I answer and turn to walk away from him but stop as I reach the body of the girl.

'' As seeing as you killed her, you get rid of her and you can also get rid of mine.'' I tell him and vamp sped away leaving the eldest Salvatore with his thoughts and two dead bodies. 

Mikaelson sibling. (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now