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Nathalia's P.O.V

'' Okay, how about the time you pushed Daya in the pond.'' Stefan said with a smile.

'' That was me getting even.'' I told him giggling.

'' Getting even for what ? ''

''  My older brother Kol sent me this sketchbook he got from his travels, it was fantastic. I carried it every where with me that was until I ran out of pages now I normally left my finished sketch books with Niklaus as he kept them safe for me but this time I took it with me which was a terrible mistake as Daya set it on fire with her magic.'' I replied smiling to myself as I replay the memory, Stefan chuckled.

'' Okay I get it now but you could of seriously done better than the pond.'' I fake pouted which Stefan copied, I giggled.

'' I did what I could with what I got any way it would of been the Lockwood's lake but I was banned because of you.'' I said as I stuck my tongue out at him.

'' How was that my fault ? You were the one who went skinny dipping.'' Stefan question an eyebrow raised.

'' You suggested it.'' 

'' Maybe I sort of did.'' 

'' Sort of, you practically ripped my dress and pushed me into the lake.'' I replied a blush making it's way onto my face.

'' Fine, I take full responsibility for that.'' He said raising his hands in the air.

''  Thank you.'' 

'' But you were still the one who set fire to study.'' He muttered, I gasped and sped on top of him, pinning his arms to the ground.

'' Excuse me, you were the one messing with the fire.''

'' It wasn't my fault your dress was like kindling.'' He defended, I giggled and kissed him on the lips in which he happily responded too. I pulled away and looked into his green eyes then dopplebitch popped into my head are they still together.

'' What's wrong ?'' He asked breaking me from my grip, his fingers caressed my face.

'' Elena.'' I answered, he sighed.

''  She has feelings for Damon.''

'' And your feelings for her ?'' I asked as I looked into his eyes

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'' And your feelings for her ?'' I asked as I looked into his eyes.

'' I don't have any because I'm in love with you.'' He answered sitting up me on his lap, he started trailing kisses down my neck, I bit my lip trying to hold my moans in but it was proving to be a very hard task.

'' Good answer.'' I whispered but I knew he heard me, I felt him smirk against me neck. Stefan's lips made their way back up to my lips, his soft lips moulded perfectly with mine, his tongue swept across my bottom lip asking for entrance, I denied making him growl which made me feel more turned on. I felt his hands move away from my waist, they slowly made their way to my ass. Stefan's hand grabbed a hold of a cheek squeezing it causing me to gasp which then allowed him entry into my mouth, I moaned as our tongues fought for dominance but he won. Our little make up session was starting to get heated and I was pretty sure we were going to have sex in the woods which made it hotter but unfortunately my phone interrupted us. Stefan groaned as he pulled away, I pecked his lips and pulled my phone out my jacket pocket.

'' It's Elijah.'' I said as I pressed answer.

'' Brother what can I do for you ?''

'' Nathalia you said you would be home an hour ago.'' Elijah answered in his parental tone, I sighed.

'' I'm sorry, I lost track of time.'' I said as I looked at Stefan who was playing with the ends of my hair.

'' And what made you lose the track of time ?'' He questioned, my eyes widen and so did Stefan's and I answered with the first thing that pooped into my mind.

'' I stumbled upon a couple of hikers, I thought it would be a good opportunity to have a snack.'' I said, I heard a sigh.

'' Fine, just come home.'' 

'' Yes, I'll be home soon.'' I replied hanging up, I sighed in relief and let my head roll forward hitting Stefan's shoulder.

'' I don't want to leave.'' 

'' I know.'' He said, his hands rubbed my back.

'' I love you.''

'' I love you.'' I replied.


( Phone conversation in bold.)

It's finally happened. Stefan has finally realised. 

Author's note.

I currently have two books in the works which will be published after this book.

1. Petrova Blood

2. Salvatore wife

Now you guys can decided which one can be published first but don't worry both of them will be published.

Petrova Blood is about Katherine Pierce & Avery Gilbert ( Elena's twin ) the doppleganger's switch identities. Katherine gets the life she always wanted with Stefan & Avery doesn't have to live in Elena's shadow any more.

Salvatore wife is about a vampire who is married to Damon Salvatore and this vampire is no other than Caroline Forbes or for the past 100 years Caroline Salvatore. Their love will be put to the test when a certain someone catches the eye of Mr. Salvatore.

But as Klaus says 

'' A love like that never dies.'' 

What do you guys think ?

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