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Nathalia's P.O.V

It's been a couple of days since the awkward encounter on the stairs and I haven't dared to leave my room, I'm guilty and embarrassed. I could of broken Stefan's relationship with his brother,  I don't think I could live with that, so I would try and fix even if it takes all eternity. I won't be the girl to come between to brothers that's Elena's job.

I opened my bedroom door slightly, trying my best not to make a sound. I'm not just avoiding the Salvatore's but I'm also avoiding my brothers after I did my walk of shame, my darling big brothers went on a huge rant to sum it up they were worried, scared and pissed but mainly pissed as their little sister slept with the so called enemy.

I tip toed out my room and towards the stairs but stopped outside Elijah's study using my vamp hearing to see if the coast is clear and to my delight it was, I smirked and sped downstairs forgetting about the other brother, I crashed into Niklaus. His hands grabbed onto my arms steadying me so I don't fall onto my ass.

'' Dear sister where do you think your going ?'' He questioned, raising his eyebrow as he said it.

'' Just going on an adventure.'' I answered, I always seemed to say that when I didn't have an actually answer and it's been 1000 years since the beginning of that line so my siblings have caught on to it.

'' Does this adventure have to do with the Salvatore's ?'' Elijah asked coming out the kitchen, a glass of scotch in his hand.

'' If I said no, will you let me go ?'' I replied a small smile on my face, Nik chuckled and Elijah had a smile on his face.

'' Sister you aren't going near them.'' Niklaus answered as he let go of my arms.

'' And why not ? '' 

'' Because we said so.'' Nik replied a smirk on his face.

'' I'm quite capable of making my own decisions Niklaus.'' I told him, anger in my tone.

'' We know that and you make good decisions, we just don't wanting you getting hurt.'' Elijah said, coming towards us, a brotherly smile on his face.

'' No you guys just don't want me to sleep with Damon again.'' I said with a smirk. '' I'm not Rebekah it doesn't mean I'm in love with him and I certainly won't be going back there to much doppleganger drama, I just want to apologise to Stefan and make it clear to Damon that it was a one time thing, with no strings attached.'' I finished, Elijah was looking at me proudly and Nik had a smile on his face as I mentioned Rebekah and her thing for falling in love with any man she sees.

'' I think we can allow that.'' Elijah responded.

'' Niklaus ?'' I asked, he nodded reluctantly.

'' Thank you, I'll be back for dinner.'' I told them, I kissed both their cheeks and walked towards the door.

'' I love you both.'' I said a smile on my face, they both smiled back which is their way of say ' I love you too.'' I waved and walked out the mansion in search of the Salvatore's.

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