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Nathalia's P.O.V

'' Stefan is everything alright ?''

'' No its not." He answered, pushing himself past me and walked into the study, I share with my brothers.

" What is it ?" I questioned as I watch him pace the room.

" Stefan, your scaring me. Stop." I tell him which caught his attention. He had tears in his eyes.

" Stefan.." But before I could finish my sentence he sped over to me crashing his lips to mine. I responded but it did not replace my worry.

" I love you, don't forget that." He whispered as he pulled away, our foreheads touching.

" I won't, now are you going to tell me what is going on ?" He nodded at my question.

" Are we alone ?" Stefan asked his eyes darted to the doorway.

" Yep." I replied.

" Are you sure ? " I nodded.

" Elena is dead." He suddenly blurted out, I gasped.

" How dead? "

" You and me dead." He replied, I shook my head in disbelief.

" How long ? " I asked.

" Two weeks apparently. "

" And you knew ? "

" I only found out today. That's why Damon needed help." Stefan said, I brushed my hand through my hair.

" Stefan this is going to end badly."

" Don't you think I know that ?"

" Where is Elena ? " I asked.

" Forbes jail cell."

" Why ? " I asked with a frown.

" No humanity. " He answered, I cursed.

" We need to tell him that his only way of getting an army is gone. "

" I Agree." I turned to the door to find Elijah.

Mikaelson sibling. (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now