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Nathalia P.O.V

I walked the beaten leading further and further in the woods where the wolves are currently situated, I Nik to deal with due to me getting bored when he told his story about becoming a hybrid, I love my brother I do it's just I have heard that story a million times it makes me want to snap my own neck. 
After a couple of twists and turns I eventually arrived at the camp grounds only to find Nik covered in blood and bodies torn to pieces. I sped over to my brother and cupped his face in my hands.

'' Niklaus are you alright ??'' I asked but he didn't respond.

'' Nik answer me.'' He turned away from me and walked towards one of the dead bodies.

'' There all dead.'' He said as he kicked the body of the boy, who had a blood stained face. 

'' How ??''

'' Some went crazy and I had to end them and others just died.'' He answered turning back to me a look of exhaustion and anger were placed on his face.

'' You broke the curse. This was suppose to give you your army.'' I said as I crouched beside a girl who seems to be missing half her body.

'' I did everything right. I killed a wolf, a vampire and the doppleganger.'' He screamed making birds fly out of the tree tops.

'' I know you did maybe it was just the wolves they couldn't take it.'' I told him slowing making my way towards him but still being cautious don't want a hybrid bite.

'' There were other packs, they didn't make it either. Either something went wrong or we are missing an ingredient.'' He says pacing back and fourth.

'' What if you need the blood of the doppleganger to create your hybrids ??'' I question thinking back to the spell be put upon Nik.

'' Then why would the doppleganger have to be sacrificed Lia ?''

'' Because then mother gets what she always wanted.'' I answered and by Niklaus's facial expressions I know something clicked in him and he could see were I was coming from.

'' Me alone for all eternity.'' 

'' Exactly she knew that if the doppleganger died you couldn't create your hybrids.'' 

'' Well she's won, Elena is dead.'' He said in a defeated tone.

'' Not exactly.'' 

'' What do you mean not exactly ?'' He asked stalking closer to me.

'' Remember the elixir Elijah had made for Katerina all those years ago ??'' 

'' He used it on Elena.'' 

'' Indeed he did. I'm guessing the young doppleganger is still walking.'' I tell him a smirk on my face.

'' I think it's time we pay a visit to our home town little sister.'' He said mirroring my smirk.

'' He said mirroring my smirk

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