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Private - imessage - Niklaus

Nik, I have a present for you.

And what is that ?

If I told you it wouldn't
be a surprise.

I don't have time for games

Its something you will like.
Meet me at the Old Forbes Jail.


" Is he coming ?" Damon asked, I nodded. After discussing our little plan, we went to find Damon who immediately agreed.

" Did you hide the daggers ?" I asked turned to Elijah.

" Yes, he won't find them."

" Okay." I walked to the cell door and pushed open, to find a dessicated Elena.

" Oh honey you look awful." I tell her a smirk on my face. Her response was a groan making my smirk turn in to a smile.

" Elijah what is so important that you had to pull me away from drinking the Grill dry. " I heard Nik say.

" Hey, that's my job ! " Damon said making me giggle.

" Where Nathalia ?" Nik asked.

" In the cell." Elijah answered.

" We're not trapping you Klaus. " Stefan told my brother. I heard footsteps come towards me.

" Brother look who we found." I tell him as he enters the cell.

" What ?.. Please tell me that is Katerina and not who I think it is. " Klaus says.

" Its Elena. " I tell him, my heart beating rapidly.

" How ?"

" Got drunk decided to go for drive and then jumped off Wickery bridge." Damon explained Elena's death.

" Whose blood ?"

" We don't know. " Stefan answered, Klaus turned to him, his eyes glowing yellow.

" Niklaus !" I shouted which caught his attention.

" I knew Elena would die." Niklaus told us. I raised an eyebrow.

" Say that again." I said a frown on my face.

" I knew Elena would die. I knew mother would win. So I made sure she didn't. "

" Niklaus what did you do ?" My older brother questioned.

" I've been draining her. "

" This is why you haven't killed us all." Stefan says, we all nodded.

" I have full warehouse freezer stocked with her blood. " We all were silent.

" Does this mean we kill her now ?"I questioned.

" Nathalia !" Elijah shouted. I raised my hand's up in the air. I walked to Stefan side, he wrapped arm's around.

" I have better idea. " Damon said, we all turned to him curiosity on our faces.

" And you sure this will hold her ?" I asked as I as sat on the wall

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" And you sure this will hold her ?" I asked as I as sat on the wall.

" If it can hold a bunch of our kind for over a century, it can hold her. "

" But that was spelled Damon. " Stefan said.

" It's her, alone. She is nearly dessicated. What is she going do ?" Damon asked, Stefan shrugged. "Good, if that is all the questions help me with this. " He continued and pointed to the big stone door.

Elijah helped with door, it slammed shut making the birds fly out the trees.

" No more doppelganger problems. " I said, everyone nodded.

Dedicated to Lexitvd1

Guys go check out my new book !

Guys go check out my new book !

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