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Nathalia P.O.V

I woke up to Damon sleeping and the sun shinning through his windows, I mentally groaned. I've royally screwed up, I'm never getting drunk ever again. I threw the white sheet off me and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, I stood up trying my best not to make a sound and gathered my clothes up and left the room with out waking Damon which is an accomplishment in my books, I put my clothes back on but had to go no underwear due to Damon ripping them to shreds, I walked down the stairs as I was putting my heels on at the same time only to crash into something well someone.

'' Nathalia what are you doing here ?'' Stefan asked as he steadied me, I gulped ad tried to think of a lie which was reasonable but nothing came.

'' Uhhh..'' 

'' Nathalia there you are, you forgot your bag.'' Damon said from behind me, I turned to find him shirtless with my bag in his hand. 

'' Thanks Damon.'' I said and took my bag, I turned back to Stefan who looked pissed.

'' I've gotta go, my brother's are probably worried.'' I told them both and sped out the house as the tension was to much even for me to handle.

Stefan's P.O.V

'' What are you doing with Nathalia ?'' I asked after she left, her perfume still lingering in the air.

'' Just having some fun Stef.'' Damon answered as he pushed past me and went into the parlour, I followed him watching him intently.

'' And you couldn't find some other girl to have fun with ?'' I questioned as I continued to watch him.

'' I could of but she seemed more fun than other girls.'' He answered a smug look plastered on his face, I growled and sped over to him and punched him in the face.

'' He answered a smug look plastered on his face, I growled and sped over to him and punched him in the face

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'' Stefan !'' Elena shouted, I stopped punching Damon and watched him fall to the floor.

'' Stefan what's wrong with you ?'' She questioned a look of horror on her face, she crouched next to Damon cradling his bloody face in her hands.

'' Ask him.'' I answered leaving them both to enjoy each other's company.

Mikaelson sibling. (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now