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Present Day

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Present Day.

Nathalia P.O.V

'' How do you even know these wolves will meet with you ?'' I ask Nik as we are currently sat a bar in the middle of no where waiting for a pack of wolves to show their faces.

'' They gave me their word.'' He answered.

'' You sound like Elijah.'' I mutter.

'' I heard that.''

'' You were suppose too. Anyway did they pinky promise you ?'' I ask a childish smile appearing on my face which always made Nik laugh and it did. I giggled and playfully nudge him and stole a fry off his plate.

It's now been an hour and I'm dying of boredom that I'm now turning napkins into swans a little talent I picked up from Daya but after my tenth swan it lost it's appeal and I destroyed them and chucked the now rolled up balls at people scattered around the restaurant successfully hitting everyone of them. Nik rolled his eyes at my childlike behaviour but I knew he was amused whenever I hit someone and duck under the table I could hear him quietly chuckle to himself.

'' Nik you said they would be here.'' I whined as I put my head on the table.

'' They will be here.''

'' Ah yes because they promised.'' I say lifting my head off the table.

'' Indeed we did.'' A man's voice said, I turned my head to find a group of men standing in front of us trying to look scary, I tried to hold my laughter in but It was to hard and Niklaus caught on to my behaviour and grabbed a hold of my hand and squeezed it till there was a crack which stopped my laughing and made me groan a little. 

'' Have a seat.'' Nik said letting go of my hand and placing both of his hands on the table.

'' You said you had a proposal, we are here to hear it and that's it.'' One of the men said, Nik nodded for the both of us as I was currently looking at my broken finger which is slowly healing.

'' Let's get to it then. I want to forge an alliance.'' Nik say's his signature smirk creeping onto his face.

'' Many of our wolves would not feel comfortable with that alliance.'' 

'' But I'm sure turning every full moon would be less uncomfortable than the deal my brother is about to propose ?'' I ask. They didn't answer but I knew I was right, I've witnessed many turning and it sounds excruciating.

'' What are you offering us ??'' Another man asked.

'' I'm offering you a gift. You can say goodbye to the agony the full moon causes you. You'll be faster, stronger than the average wolf, you would be unstoppable.'' Nik answers sounding like a King. 

'' You want to turn us into hybrids.''

'' Indeed he does.'' I say a devilish smirk appears on my face.

'' All of us ??'' A wolf question.

'' Not all. We know the number of wolves have fallen over the years, we need them to rise.'' Nik replies as he brings his drink up to his lips.

'' Why ?'' 

'' Wolves are a dying breed, very hard to come across and soon you'll be distinct. So how will my brother make hybrids when you're species is long gone. ?'' I ask as I played with my daylight ring.

'' I don't think you have any other choice. If you want wolves to rise again, I'm your best option.'' Nik says a smug smirk on his face.

'' You're right. We're all being hunted and now it's easier because there are less of us.'' A wolf says and the rest nod.

'' So have we got a deal ?'' I ask.

'' You have a deal.'' 

'' Fantastic.''  Nik says after that they leave much happier than they came him.

'' They just made a deal with the devil.'' I tell Nik

'' Indeed they have little sister. Indeed they have.''


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