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Nathalia P

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Nathalia P.O.V

It's been a week since mine and Stefan's heart to heart and we've been attached to the hip. He eventually broke up with Elena which was very messy and she did not take it to well at all as she threatened to give herself to Niklaus if she wasn't with Stefan but she also wanted to be with Damon, she really is a Katherine in the making.

'' Stefan are you going to talk to your brother ??'' I asked as I sat on his bed watching him write in his journal.

'' Nope.'' He said popping the 'p'.

'' Will you ever speak to your brother ?'' 

'' Nathalia I promised him an eternity of hate. If I start talking to him, I'd be breaking my promise.'' He answered a small smirk on his face. I groaned and fell back, my head hitting his pillows.

'' So Damon promised you an eternity of torture and he broke it.'' I muttered but I knew Stefan heard as can hear him taping his daylight ring on the edge of his desk. After a couple of moments it started to annoy the crap out of me so I threw a pillow at him which hit him right in the face. I fist pumped the air only to have Stefan pinning be down to the bed a few seconds later and tickling my sides which he knows is my weak spot.

'' Stefan... Stef.'' I cried out in laughter, I could feel tears running down my face.

'' Sorry what I can't hear you.'' He said joining in the laughter. 

'' I'm sorry.'' I chocked out. 

'' You know that's not what I want to hear Lia.'' He teased, I kept giggling.

'' Stefan Salvatore is amazing.'' I shouted, he stopped tickling me but still had me pinned down to the bed.

'' Aww I think I'm amazing too.'' Stefan said and kissed my cheek and jumped off me, I giggled and pulled faces at him which he returned but our time together was cut short by my brother.

'' Isn't this sweet.'' Nik said as he stood by the door, Stefan's face dropped but my smile never left.

'' Niklaus what have we done to deserve your presence ??'' I asked as I got out the bed and stood next to Stefan. Nik smirked and stepped further into the room.

'' Elena.'' He answered his smirk falling.

'' What about her ??'' Stefan questioned.

'' The doppleganger is becoming reckless, childish.''  Nik answered another one of our questions.

'' And that's our problem because ?'' I asked.

'' Nathalia if it's my problem it's also your problem and as seeing as she's Stefan's ex it's also his problem.'' Nik replied and pulled out his phone.

'' But that means she's also Damon's problem as they are in a committed relationship.''  Stefan said, he walked to his desk and took a seat, I sat back on his bed and Nik followed me.

'' I don't want your brother involved. He's corrupted her, Elena's morals are gone.'' Nik says.

'' Question his why do you care so much ?'' Stefan asked as he fiddled with his ring.

'' I care because she is only way I can create hybrids, if she dies..'' Nik said but I continued for him.

'' Our mother wins.'' I took my hand in Nik's and gave him a comforting smile. He nodded and If Stefan wasn't here he would of smiled and pulled me into a hug. I looked over to Stefan who was watching us intently. 

'' Stefan you don't have to help if you don't want to. I can control Elena myself.'' I tell which broke him out of his gaze.

'' No, I'll help.'' He replied with a smile on his face, I smiled back.

'' Fantastic.'' Niklaus said.

'' Niklaus said

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