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Nathalia P.O.V

I found Elijah eventually as I searched every inch of this God damn town, my big brother was currently standing in front of a grave which I knew belonged to our brother Henrik who passed away tragically. I winced at the memory but carried on walking to my brother who was engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't hear me come up behind him, he on realised he wasn't alone when I grabbed a hold of his hand pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked down at me and sighed, a sad smile appeared on his face.

'' I miss him.'' He said as we both looked down at the grave which isn't really visible any more, you wouldn't know it was here unless you were actually looking for it. It  was covered in vines and weeds surrounded it and the tree we buried our brother under practically made a shield around the grave protecting it from the outside world and it's harsh sights.

'' I know, I miss him too.'' I said as I wiped a tear away from my eye with my free hand, Elijah noticed and pulled me into a hug.

'' I'm sorry Lia about today.''

'' I'm sorry too.'' I told him as I hugged tightly not wanting to let go.

'' I need to stop Niklaus.'' He said ruining the moment. I pulled away and looked to the ground not sure on what do. I thought about it for a couple of moments and decided to help sort of.

'' I'll help.'' I told him, Elijah looked shock that I would be agreeing but happy none the less.

'' But..''

'' But what ?'' Elijah asked.

'' I will not play a part in our brother's death, I will protect the doppleganger from death as seeing as they are drawn to danger and that's it. I will  not be any way involved in Niklaus's demise.'' I told my brother, he nodded and pulled me into another hug.

'' I understand.'' He said. I sighed in relief but now I have to come up with a way to stop Elijah from killing Niklaus, I'm hoping his conscious will get in the way and stop him from doing something he will regret later on or Niklaus would say something to get him out of the situation he has landed himself in. 

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Clara ForbesDecember 17 1992 - July 5 2009A loving daughterAn amazing sisterA wonderful friend

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Clara Forbes
December 17 1992 - July 5 2009
A loving daughter
An amazing sister
A wonderful friend.

A light taken to soon from this world.

But that's not true now is it ?
Its Mystic Falls no ones stays dead.

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