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Nathalia's P

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Nathalia's P.O.V

'' Stefan.'' I called out as I arrived at the plot of land which used to house one of my favourite places in the world.

'' Stefan are you here ?'' 

'' I'm here.'' He answered as I felt a whoosh of air behind me, I turned to him a smile on his face, I smiled back.

'' I'm sorry.'' I quickly said, my smile knocked off and being replaced with guilt and anger.

'' What do you have to apologise for ?'' He questioned, I raised my eyebrow.

'' Stefan you know why.'' He sighed.

'' I do but it's easier to say I don't.'' He told me his bright smile turning sadder.

'' I shouldn't of done what I did , It mean't nothing. I even told Damon that we shouldn't of done it.'' 

'' You went to see Damon ?'' He questioned, a frown now on his face.

'' Yes, only to clear things up.'' I answered. '' That it mean't nothing, I only see him as friend and nothing more.'' He nodded but didn't say anything more on the matter.

'' What are you doing out here ?'' I asked trying to changed the subject. He smiled, Stefan took a hold of my hand and pulled me to the crumbling building we use to call home.

'' I'm rebuilding.'' He finally answered, I turned to him in shock.

'' Are you serious ?'' I somehow managed to get out, he nodded also chuckling at my reaction. 

'' Stefan this is amazing, what brought it on ?'' 

'' It's home, I've got a lot of memories here. One of my favourite memories was meeting the most prettiest girl, I've ever laid eyes on. We became close and closer until we became inseparable and then shortly after it became love and now..'' 

'' And now ?'' I questioned.

'' And now I want to spend the rest of my life with her, as long as she'll have me.'' He answered a look of hope on his face. I wanted to say something but couldn't quite forge a sentence so I did the only thing I could do, I got on my tip toes, cupped his face in my hands and kissed him with all the love I have for him. After couple of passionate filled minutes, I pulled away for air.

'' I'm guessing that's a yes.'' Stefan said a smile on his face.

'' Oh it's a yes.'' I replied and brought his lips back to mine.

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