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Nathalia's P.O.V

'' I did the right thing ? His brother needs help, I can't deny him to help his brother.'' I questioned Nik as I paced back and forth, I heard him sigh.

'' Thanks for the help brother, you've helped me solved my problem.'' I told him as I stopped pacing.

'' Sister, it'll be fine. After all these years, you found each other and fell in love again. Stop worrying, Stefan wouldn't do anything to put you or the relationship in danger.'' Nik said, I nodded.

'' Your right.''

Stefan P.O.V

'' I'm here.''

'' Why ? You said you couldn't care less about her.'' Damon said.

'' I don't care about her but I care about Nathalia and she said I should help you.''

'' At least she talked some sense into that mind of yours.'' I rolled my eyes at his statement. '' But you got yourself a pretty special girl.'' Damon continued to say.

'' I know.'' I reply, a smile on my face. A groan left the Forbes jail cell.'' Let's get this over and done with.'' I tell him and grab the vervain and the stake.

'' How did it happen ?'' I asked Damon as I looked through the metal bars.

'' She got drunk, drove to Wickery bridge and decided it was her time to die.'' He answered no emotion in his tone.

''After everything we've done for her.'' I say, my eyes focused on the slumped body bounded to the chair.

'' It was my fault, I should of been with her 24/7'' Damon muttered, I turned to him, a frown on my face.

'' Damon this, her isn't your fault.'' I said as pointed to the jail door.'' She did this to herself and now Klaus will kill us all because the key to his army is now gone.''

'' What about Nathalia ?'' Damon asked. '' Couldn't she help ?''

'' Damon, I can't ask her to do that.'' I answered, the frown disappeared only to be replaced by hurt and anger.

'' Why not Stefan ? She loves you.'' Damon said getting closer to me.

'' If I ask her that, I'm putting her in a position where she has to choose between me and her family and we all know who she'll choose. I can't lose her again Damon. I can't.''

'' Eugh...how pathetic.'' A raspy voice left the cell.

'' Little miss sunshine's awake.'' Damon said unbolting the door, the metal door screeched open until it halted as it hit the wall.

'' Hungry ?'' I questioned, Damon held up a bottle of blood. Her behaviour changed dramatically, all she felt was hunger, her veins rubbing together like sand paper.

'' Give it to me.'' She growled trying to break free from her restraints. Damon crouched in front of her the bottle in his hand.

'' Damon please.'' She pleaded. Damon sighed and opened the bottle.

'' Thank you.'' She whispered as he brought it closer to her lips but stopped and pulled it away. Her face dropped.

'' No thank you. Thank you for making me realise what a manipulative backstabbing bitch you really are.'' He said a smirk on his face and poured the liquid onto the stone floor, she screamed.

'' When I get out of here, I'll kill you all.'' She kept screaming.'' I hate you.''

'' Sleep tight, don't let the bugs bite.'' Damon taunted as he left the room.

'' Stefan.. ?''

'' I'm sorry Elena.'' I said, walking out the room.

'' You need me !'' She shouted. '' I will kill her Stefan. Your precious Nathalia will be dead when I get out of here.'' I growled, wanting to rip her heart out but Damon pushed me out the cell, bolting the door.

'' We'll protect Nathalia but she has to know.'' Damon said, I nodded and left the old jail house.

Mikaelson sibling. (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now