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Nathalia P

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Nathalia P.O.V

I was currently sat in the Grill drinking the bar dry, guys suck, Stefan sucks but he doesn't he's sweet and caring and when he smiles it makes every problem go away, scratch that he sucks. I brought my drink to my lips taking the last remaining drop of alcohol left in the glass and then order another one. I turned in my stool to face the people who were currently dinning on Mystic Falls finest but I didn't care about them, I cared about Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert. The two loved birds seemed to of hit a rough patch, I smirked and listened to their conversation.

'' I'm mad at you because I love you.'' Damon said as he took her hands in his.

'' I love you to Damon but..''

'' But you still love Stefan.'' He finished for her, she didn't even look sad where as Damon was heartbroken, I felt sorry for the guy.

'' Elena please.'' He begged.

'' I'm sorry Damon but it will always be Stefan.'' Elena said, I watched her leave, leaving a perfect guy. What is wrong with doppleganger's ? I was to fixated on the door that I didn't hear Damon come up to the bar.

'' You know it's rude to eavesdrop.'' Damon said pulling me out of my trance.

'' I'm sorry Damon.'' I said as I grabbed a bottle of bourbon from behind the counter and poured myself another drink as seeing the bar tender forgot about me.

'' Your only saying that because now you lose Stefan.'' He said and took the bottle out of my hand.

'' I already lost him Damon.'' I replied as I played with the glass in my hands.

'' Love sucks.'' He said.

'' Indeed it does.'' 

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