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Elijah P

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Elijah P.O.V

'' You broke your promise.'' Nathalia said. Her browns eyes fluttered shut, her skin turned grey and black veins crawled up her body. I caught her before she fell to the floor and kissed her forehead.

'' Forgive me little sister.'' I whispered and carried her to the couch and gently laid her to rest. I turned away not wanting to look at the pain I have caused. 

'' Now what ?'' Damon asked his eyes glued on my sister's sleeping body.

'' We carry on as planned.'' I answered no emotion in my voice.

'' And what happens when Klaus finds out that you daggered Nathalia ?'' Stefan asked, I sighed.

'' Then I will be the one to have a dagger in my heart. Klaus is very protective of his family especially Nathalia. You do not speak of this to no one. Klaus would tear this town apart until he has her.'' I replied, I fixed my suit and made my towards the door.

'' What about Nathalia ?'' Elena questioned.

'' Look after her for me. Keep her safe. Don't let her out of your sight. I'll wake her up when Klaus is dead.'' I said and left the boarding house. I sped into the woods until I knew I was out of range of the Salvatore's and fell to the floor. I broke my word, I said I would always protect her and never dagger her but that's exactly what I did.


'' Brother don't be hasty.'' Our younger brother Kol said.

'' Kol you tore through two villages. Mikael is hunting us, you and you're rampages are starting to draw attention.'' I said watching my other brother Niklaus play with the white oak dagger.

'' He won't find us Lijah.'' Kol said not having a care in the world.

'' Kol you seem to underestimate our father and his abilities. Mikael has nearly every witch on his side and let's not forget his little brotherhood of hunters. Now this small town we currently reside in is getting scared and now there are stories of demons and creatures that lurk in the shadows looking for blood. They've stopped believing in the animal attacks and when they stop believing is the time we flee.'' Niklaus said as he got up from his chair the dagger still in hand, Kol's face dropped his cheeky smile turning into a look of horror.

'' Niklaus don't do this you know Bekah  would never forgive you and what about you're Little Lia.'' Kol said trying to persuade my younger brother.

'' Rebekah will get over it and for Lia, well we all know she will stick by me no matter what.'' Niklaus said a smirk on his face. Kol face paled even more.

'' Sorry brother.'' I said and watched as Niklaus dagger Kol in the heart watching his body dessicate. I left my brother to put Kol in his coffin and went to my study to find Nathalia in tears. My face saddened at her pain and I quickly rushed over to her.

'' Nathalia what is troubling you ?'' I questioned as I pushed some of her blonde hair back.

'' I saw Kol get dagger.'' She stuttered more tears falling. I sighed sadly whenever someone was daggered she would get upset.

'' You wouldn't dagger me would you ?'' She questioned as she played with her fingers when anxious.
I frowned at her question, I've been waiting for this question for many years but hearing her say it breaks my heart. I take a hold of her hands to stop her from fiddling and say

'' Lia I will always protect you, I will never dagger you. I promise.'' I said, she smiled and pulled me into a hug.

'' I love you Lijah.'' 

Flashback ended.

I gave her my word and I broke it.

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