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Nathalia P.O.V

' I'm back.' I called out to the other people in the house.

'' Nathalia where have you been ?'' Elijah asked, everyone else sat around him looking a me their eyes burning into me. 

'' Wickery bridge why ?''

'' Well as seeing as you went and told our plans to Klaus we can't really trust you.'' Damon said.

'' Well excuse me for not wanting my brother dead.''

'' He is going to kill Elena.'' Stefan said as he grabbed a hold of her hand. I rolled my eyes.

'' Don't worry about it. You'll only have to wait 500 years until another one appears.'' I told them a smirk making it's way onto my face. Damon growled and sped over to me pinning me against a wall, I giggled at his foolishness.

'' I seem to of hit a soft spot.'' I said the smirk left my face, I grabbed a hold of Damon's hand which was placed around my neck and squeezed it until bones started to break. He groaned in pain and fell to floor.

'' Enough.'' Elijah said as he sped over to us pushing me away from Damon. He turned to me and said

'' Control yourself.'' I nodded and walked away from Damon who was currently popping his fingers back into place while cursing to himself.

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