Chapter 6. Skype

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••• Skype •••

"Alaysia, how are you?" Taylor asked as he waved through the computer screen.

Seeing his face made me so happy.

"Taylor is that you?" I asked pretending to be surprised.

"Yeah! Has it been that long that you don't even remember me?" I shook my head.

"No, not at all."

He laughed. "I know, I was joking with you."

"Oh Taylor, you never change."

"So, what's up? You good?"

"Yeah I'm good, Dreeana slept over last night to keep me company. How's Princeton?"

"Oh cool and it's great, I'm anticipating what's to come in all my classes!"

"That's great! I'm so proud of you. Keep working hard and don't worry about me. I'm good!" I exclaimed. I was so thrilled to hear that he was doing well.

"Yeah, you sure you're okay? Because when I left you seemed so not like yourself."

"Honestly, I was sad, but this is your time, it's not about me. I'm fine, I promise." I said, convincingly.

"Okay well, I have to go have lunch now because my next class is in an hour. So I'll text you later. Love you."

"Okay bye. Love you too." I said, as the screen went black and his face was no longer visible.

I know that Taylor was worried, but I am not a baby. I've been away from him before. I just need to distract myself from my thoughts of him. That's all. I want to go out to a party and get drunk. I've had issues with alcohol in the past, but that doesn't matter.

A: Haven, are you free tonight?

H: yeah, what do you have planned?

A: a trip to the club lol

H: I haven't been to the club in a while, but if you want to go, I'll join you

A: cool, pick u at 8pm

H: okay, see you then

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