Chapter 39. Drama

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It was the day after my Vogue interview and I had totally forgotten about the whole Daily Mail incident. I knew that Imogen lived in L.A, at least that is what Gigi told me. I was walking around the Santa Monica Pier since I was waiting for Nate when I spotted a girl approaching me. I didn't know the girl, never seen her nor did I want to talk to her. As she got closer, I realized that she looked very familiar. The girl was.... Imogen Wilkinson.

"Hey girl!" Imogen said as she attempted to put her arm around my shoulder.

"Um...don't touch me. I don't know you." I said pushing her hand off my shoulder as she smiled.

"So, how's Gigi doing?" She asked as she twirled her hair. I could tell she was being sarcastic and I wasn't liking it.

"Why do you care?" I asked getting upset. She was testing my patience.

"Oh I don't know. Isn't she your manager or something?"

"How do you know that? How do you know me?" I asked as I tried to keep my cool.

"Well isn't that your pretty little face plastered on billboards all around L.A?" She asked with a malicious looking smile.

"Of course it is and I am damn proud of it. I'm like royalty around here." I said as I flipped my hair.

I was trying my hardest to shut Imogen down so she would leave me alone.

"Oh.. but you're not royalty and you shouldn't be proud because you almost didn't make it at Paris Fashion Week. Oops...did I go too far?" She asked meanly.

That's when I remembered the Paris incident when I got drunk. Oh the memories that I wish could be erased.

"You sure did, but don't forget about all your surgeries. You're such a fake bitch. No one wanted to sign you because you are talent less." I said as I attempted to walk away.

I had zero patience left.

"I'm a fake bitch? You gave Daily Mail that info didn't you?" She said as she grabbed my arm.

"No...why would I do that?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"You! You did this to me. You dumb alcoholic!" She screamed.

That is when I reached my breaking point. I could only handle so much. I slapped Imogen across the face and she fell to the floor.

"You mean bitch. What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked as I tackled her and pulled her hair.

Suddenly, Nate appeared out of nowhere and pulled me back.

"Let go of me! That girl is gonna get a piece of me!" I yelled, like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Alaysia, stop. Don't do this!" Nate said as he continued to hold me back.

"Please stop." Imogen said through her tears. "I'm so sorry, so so sorry for everything. Please just stop." She said as she bawled on the ground.

"You're sorry?" I asked as I started to calm down.

"Yes. I was just jealous that Gigi was interested in you and not me. That was supposed to be me on those billboards. I am sorry that I embarrassed you." She said as she looked at me with apologetic eyes.

Now I began to feel bad. My emotions got the best of me.

"I'm sorry too. I should not have fought with you. The things you said really affected me." I said getting emotional.

"I am very sorry. Please forgive me. I understand why you did everything you did to me." She said as she got up off the ground. "I caused this and I'm sorry." She said sincerely.

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