Chapter 22. Ex

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It had been two days since Nate's party. He was  hanging with his friends Brad and Ty and I was at home chilling on my couch. The past few days were quite hectic with the party planning stuff.

All of a sudden, my phone started ringing. It was Taylor. I decided to answer.


"Alaysia, you answered. I am in jail and I got kicked out of Princeton."

"Oh my goodness Taylor. What are you going to do?" I asked concerned.

"I do not know. When I get out, I will fix everything."

"But why did you do all of this?"

"I did it for you. I still love you, you know."

I feel terrible. I just burst into tears. I couldn't control my emotions.

"Taylor, please stop. You need to move on. I did and you should too." I said while sobbing. I feel so bad. Taylor is not a bad person, he never was, he just made bad choices.

"I will try, but if you're happy with whoever you are with,I am happy too."

"No Taylor, forget about me. What we had is over, it is done. I am sorry." I said crying even harder.

"I get it. Do not cry, you are too beautiful for that stuff." He said.

"Okay, I will stop, but promise me that you will fix yourself and get back into Princeton."

"I promise I will. My parents are bailing me out."

"How much is the bail?" I asked.

"One thousand dollars."

"Oh wow. I wish you all the best. Never forget about all the potential you have."

"I won't. Thank you Alaysia. It means a lot."

"No problem. Take care of yourself." I said, holding back tears.

"I will, you too."

I bawled my eyes out. I feel bad. I should have been there when Taylor needed me. He did all this because he loved me and wanted me back, but I ignored him and now he is kicked out of Princeton. It is all my fault. I do not have feelings for him anymore, but I still care about him.

••• Nate arrives•••

"Hey Alaysia, I'm back!" Nate said while he took off his shoes and jacket.

"Hey,did you enjoy yourself?" I asked.

"Yeah,I brought you back some food." He said as I stood up to hug him.

"Thanks." I murmured into his shirt.

"Are you alright?" He asked lifting my chin to look me in the eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just kind of tired." I lied.

"Okay,why don't you eat and then rest?" He suggested.

"Yeah that sounds good."I said going to the table to eat.

I am a mess. I want a bottle of vodka right now. Nate does not know that I had drinking problems in the past and he does not need too. I want my mom right about now, to hold me in her arms and rock me like she did when I was younger. I haven't seen her since L.A, which was like 4 weeks ago.

"Alaysia, do you want me to lay down with you?" Nate kindly asked.

"You know, I think I just wanna be alone for now. I am going to call my mom, I just miss her." I said politely.

"Okay, whatever you want. I will be down here if you need anything."

"Okay thanks." I said and hurried up to my bedroom and shut the door.

"Alaysia is that you?" My mom asked. Hearing her voice always makes me happy.

"Yes mom, I miss you very much!" I said trying to hold back tears.

"I miss you too sweetheart. How is Nate?" She asked.

"He is good. He enjoyed his birthday party."

"That is great."

"So, Taylor called me and told me about his current situation and it is my fault." I said bursting into tears.

"Alaysia. No stop blaming yourself for other people's issues."

"But it is though, he said he... he did it because he loved me and wanted me back." I said struggling to get my words out due to my crying.

"Alaysia, he can say whatever he wants. Love is not a reason to do mischievous things and get yourself in jail." She said as I realized her words were true.

"Yes I think you are right, all this is causing me to do is cry."

"Exactly, stop it. You have a wonderful boyfriend who cares about you very much. Invest your time into him, not crying over your ex."

"Okay, I agree. Thank you mom. I love you."

"You're very welcome and I love you too little muffin."

I hung up and quickly hurried back to Nate.

"Hey Nate." I said as I laid next to him on the couch.

"Hey, do you feel better?" He asked looking concerned.

"Much better. I needed to hear my mom's voice. That's all."

"Okay, now can you cuddle with me?" He asked with a cute pouty face.

"Of course." I said while snuggling up to him with a blanket.

"Remember that you're my teddy bear." He said wrapping his arms around me.

"How could I forget?" I said laughingly.

"You make me really happy Alaysia,every time I see you, I feel happy."

"You make me happy too Nate, that is why I am going back to L.A with you."

"You are? Yes!" He exclaimed and kissed my forehead.

"I can't wait to drive that Benz!" I said smiling.

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